Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Hand of God

rock cliff near shore

When we see the hand of God in our life, blessing us in ways we may otherwise overlook, the foundation of our faith skyrockets in magnitude. Our life erupts into one of praise and gratitude for who God is and what He does for us.

His faithfulness encourages us to pursue moral excellence, Biblical knowledge, self-control, godliness, and love for God's family, as well as patient endurance (2 Peter 1:5-8). These attributes increase our usefulness and productivity for the Lord and His Kingdom.

His divine power, in us and surrounding us, provides us with everything we need for a holy life (2 Peter 1:3). Impatiently, we want to skip the elementary teachings of God's Word and to feast instead on the deeper Biblical truths and principles (Hebrews 5:12).

However, to truly grow in the grace and wisdom of God, we first need a good, solid, spiritual foundation based on the basic doctrines of our faith (Colossians 1:9). We secure our salvation by repenting of the dead works of sin and by putting all of our trust in Christ.

Through baptism, we follow our repentance by making a public profession of what happened in our heart. Then, we start the discipline of daily Bible reading and prayer. We find a church in which to learn and to grow, as we fellowship with other Believers.

Then we start telling others about what Christ did for us. We also learn how much God loves us and that He has a perfect plan for our life. These simple bed-rock truths keep us balanced as we grow in our intimacy with Christ in us (Colossians 1:27).

Father God, help us to listen to Your Holy Spirit's promptings on a daily basis. Teach us to discern which thoughts You inspire in our mind, and which come from Satan or our human reasoning. Lead us into a ministry in which we can serve You - even if it is as a nursery caregiver, in church building maintenance, mentoring younger men and women, serving in various ministries, prayer and praise for You, and/or encouraging people in all walks of life.

Help us to continue to grow in Your grace and to never fail to show love to those You bring our way. We praise You because Your loving devotion to us reaches to the deepest hell, Your steadfast faithfulness reaches up to the distant clouds, Your righteousness is like mighty mountains, and Your wisdom is like the fathoms of the sea (Psalm 36:5-6).

Thought for the Day:
God's salvation is just the beginning of our wondrous journey with Him; we can excitedly anticipate and look forward to growing in our intimacy with Him and His Saints, both now and throughout eternity.