Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Resurrected Life

landscape photo of waterfalls flowing into river during daytime

Jesus committed no sin, He was never deceitful, nor did He retaliate, hurl insights, or threaten when He was insulted or suffered (1 Peter 2:22-23). He had the strength to bear these trials, because He entrusted Himself to our Father God.

Bearing our sins on the cross, Jesus died to sin and rose again to live for righteousness. We are lost and estranged from God because of our sins, until we surrender to the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls (1 Peter 2:24-25).

We can take a step back from people who abuse and neglect us. We can erect boundaries to prevent them from taking advantage of us. Jesus did this, escaping to the garden until it was time for Judas to betray Him.

We do not want to teach others that it is acceptable to use us or to treat us rudely. This only encourages them to continue to abuse our love and generosity. We can calmly explain that their behavior is not acceptable to us.

The resurrection power of the entire Godhead abides in us. God ordained that we are to make a difference in our world for His Kingdom. He has plans to work in and through us as His new creation, while we submit to His Spirit's direction (Ephesians 2:10).

Jesus calls on us to follow His example of holiness and selflessness (Ephesians 4:29). He never pleased Himself, and to this day He bears our sorrows and reproaches for us (Romans 15:3). He was reviled as He paid the penalty of our sins, without any sin of His own.

Father God, Your dear Son, Jesus, was falsely accused, scourged, spit upon, forced to carry a heavy cross in his weakened physical state, and hung by nails upon a cross until He died (Isaiah 53:7). He was bruised and abused for our sins, in spite of His goodness and kindness to everyone He met (1 Peter 2: 22-25).

Thank You that Jesus taught us by example how to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. This gives us an opportunity to emulate Him (Matthew 5:44-46). You teach us too by causing the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and You refresh the righteous and the unrighteous. When we are falsely accused, remind us not to strike back at those who berate us (1 Thessalonians 5:15; Romans 12:17).

Thought for the Day:
We take courage and solace in the fact that we are in good company when we are misunderstood and falsely accused, because Jesus did not deserve this treatment either; He did nothing to earn it by His life, values and behavior.
- Matthew 27:39