Thursday, August 15, 2019

Since the Days before Time

pink flower

In the beginning, the Lord laid the foundation of the earth and the vast heavens with all of the galaxies and stars. He actually knows the name of every star that He ever created, even those that are no longer in existence, and those yet to form (Psalm 147:4).

All of creation has an expiration date, wearing out and returning to the earth. However, God remains unchanging forever without an end (Hebrews 1:10-12). Jesus is also the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

These truths give us a solid bedrock on which to stand - safe, secure, unmoving - regardless of the changing environment of circumstances in our life. We never need to fear that we will face any trial alone. The triune God is within us.

God's presence fills us to overflowing and all of His supernatural nature and character are with us and in us to utilize at any moment of the day and night. We are always generously cared for.

The Word of God hints that, at times, the mountains will disappear, the hills will fall flat, but His steadfast love surrounds us and fills us. His compassion and covenant of peace remain within us (Isaiah 5:10).

When we are tempted to panic over the events of our day, we may lose sight of God's presence in our life. We struggle with the situation accosting us, and forget to run to the shelter of His wings (Psalm 91:4).

The more we seek God first in each moment of our day (Matthew 6:33), the more of a habit we develop to trust in God's watch-care over us. He cherishes every aspect of our life, and He is worthy of our confidence in Him.

Father God, help us not to get carried away by insecure moments of life and lose sight of You. Remind us to keep our eyes on Christ in us, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), rather than to focus on the insecurity of the circumstances all around us.

Trusting in You fills our soul with peace, our heart with joy, our spirit with assurance, and our body with health. Thank You that anxiety and other negative emotions find no resting place in our soul, because we confirm our commitment to You and we rejoice in Your assurances to us.

Thought for the Day:
Fear rises in our hearts during some daunting experiences in our life, and we no longer feel Jesus' presence; of course, He is still there, waiting for us to come around full circle and to put our hand in His nail-scarred hand.