Saturday, August 31, 2019

Unstructured Free Time

shallow shot of white daisies

Most children love for adults to play with them. This gives them the feeling that we are interested in them, care about them, and value them as part of our life. They blossom in our undivided attention, and benefit from our nurturing interest and direction.

Children feel cherished by our attention, and that impression will bond our relationship with them, even into their adult years. While engaging in free-play with their peers, they learn to cooperate, to solve problems together, to resolve conflicts, and to share rather than to dominate.

Play teaches us to access the creative side of our brain, regardless of how old we are. This serves as a healthy channel for us to express our true emotions, to thrive in our activities, and to enjoy our relationships and circumstances.

We handle stressful situations through problem solving and enthusiastic inspiration. This improves our productivity, attitude and focus on the job at hand. Many companies incorporate a game room, library, gym, basketball court, etc. for break times during the day.

As parents we often replace creative, unstructured playtime with organized activities that reduce fun and produce stress in our child's life. Schools even reduce recess time in favor of more time for academic achievement, but this is not productive.

Children and adults lose our right to choose our activities as we are forced into molds that do not fit our nature or personality. This causes us to feel restricted, to lose our ability to make wise choices, and to foster our unique creativity. We end up deprived and resentful, and we experience a loss of interest in life in general.

During unstructured free time, we see anxiety fade, inter-office relationships improve, and unhealthy competition is reduced.  Through playtime we experience improvements in our physical, emotional, social and mental health. We feel less secluded and lonesome, and we enjoy better self-esteem in a family atmosphere.

Father God, You are constantly creative in all of Your ways. Teach us, as Your children, to come to You for inspiration on how to foster our creative side. Show us what we need to do in order to bloom where You plant us, and to enjoy the life that You provide for us.

Remind us that we can also improve our relationship with You by giving our self unstructured segments throughout the day to pray and praise You for who You are and all that You do for us. We want to walk in Your Spirit and to fulfill Your will for our life; the center of Your will is our happiest place on earth.

Thought for the Day:
Playtime fosters creativity in both children and adults, reduces stress, restores our joy in living, and helps us to improve our interpersonal relationships; therefore, it is healthy for us to schedule relaxing and joyful pursuits into each day.