Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Enslaved by the Culture

There are many interesting, thought-provoking, and well-meaning opinions in our culture today that easily enslave the unsuspecting victim. Of course, this has been the case since time began, because Satan is the father of all these lies (Genesis 3:1-5). Some call them, "Old age lies couched in New Age disguise." 

Satan will use anything that he believes will appeal to the carnal mind. Culture is a way of life, as well as continuing values and traditions, and our historical heritage passed on from generation to generation. People part company, establish long-lived feuds, and are captured by the half-truths of these beliefs. 

Our way of life also changes from one era to another. Young people rebel against the trusted "norms", and they want to put their own mark on society. They develop habits and ideals that differ from their parents' way of thinking and acting. The moral decay of our society came from these deviations.

Wayward justice, sanctioned abortions, kickbacks and bribes, leaving their faith in God, greed, sexual perversions, graft, etc. are as anti-biblical as they come. Yet, people for ages have despised God's Truths, and they condemn themselves by their own unbelief (John 3:18).

During Jesus' lifetime, He established the concept of an organized body of Believers as His Church. This movement, fought over the years by various dictators, survived and spread during the passage of time. Authentic Believers are reaping His multitude of benefits to this day.

There is no reason for us to believe these fables and anti-Christ ideals. We have God's Word to give us the wisdom, information, and goals that last for eternity. As we embrace God's Truth, we find our life filling with blessings, peace and joy inspired by His Agape love for the whole world. 

Father God, thank You for using Peter to birth Your church on the Jewish festival of Pentecost. Peter preached to the multitudes and many came to faith in Christ, because Your Holy Spirit caused them all to hear Your Truth in their own language (Acts 2:41). These 3,000 souls then spread Your Word in their own towns and villages, just as You commissioned Believers in all ages of time to continue to do. 

You also raised up Saul, who was captured by the culture of his day and time, and who traveled around persecuting, as well as executing these new Believers (Acts 8:1-3, 9:1-2). Then, Saul came face-to-face with the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Acts 9:4-6). Thank You for giving us all a chance to accept Jesus as our Savior (John 3:16-18), and to enjoy Your presence with us and within us for eternity.

Thought for the Day:
Peter, Paul, James, Jude and many of the Disciples of Christ spent years preaching and teaching about Jesus and the resurrection; and God calls every Believer, even in this current era, to follow their example, and to share our faith in Jesus Christ with others throughout our lifetime.