Tuesday, August 11, 2020

God’s Boundless Faithfulness


When we fully abide in God’s plan for us, we live in His peace, joy and love. He keeps us on the straight and narrow road for our protection, and He delivers us from evil through His loving care and compassion. He deeply cares for us, and He sent Jesus to earth to prove it (John 3:16-18).


When we seek our Father God with our whole heart, He prevents us from disobeying His protective laws. We hide His Words in our heart, and they keep us from sinning against Him (2 Corinthians 1:3). God comforts us in all of our trials, and He walks within us, as well as with us through every tragedy. 


He uses our experiences to help us to learn through them, to ease our burdens, and to teach us how to comfort others who experience the same things that we do (2 Corinthians 1:4). We offer consolation to each other in the big trials, as well as in the small ones that attempt to erode our confidence in God.


God is for us. He walks in us and with us and through us, in order to share His light with the world all around us. God strategically places us in the right place at the right time to minister to those He is drawing to Himself. He reaches out to us with outstretched arms, ready to wipe away our tears and to hold us close.


If we are willing, He fits the other half of His yoke upon our shoulders, as He helps us to carry our burdens until He resolves them (Matthew 11:29). If we take the time to listen, we will hear His constant encouragement and approval of the good job we are doing throughout the whole experience.


When we draw near to Him, He helps us to discern the difference between His conviction of our actual transgressions, and Satan’s condemnation and shame of both our past and current life (Romans 8:1). On the cross, Jesus took all of our sins and gave us His righteousness in exchange.


When Jesus paid our sin debt on Calvary’s cross, the payment was all-inclusive, far-reaching, and eternal. God cleanses us from all unrighteous thoughts, words and deeds that do not line up with His standard of holiness (1 John 1:9), and He loves us with His everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).



Father God, we are poor and needy, and our soul within us is wounded, tattered and broken (Psalm 109:22); yet, You stand with us and save the humble from those who try to condemn us. We give You constant praise and greatly extol You both now and in the future with the great crowd of witnesses who worship and praise You both day and night (Psalm 109: 26-31).


You help us to lie down and sleep in peace, because we know that in You we will abide in safety, regardless of our circumstances (Psalm 4:8). We can live each day without anxiety, because You teach us that You are in control of all things, and You have our best interest at heart (Jeremiah 29:11). Even in our weakest moments, as well as in our false notions of our ability to keep our self safe, You provide Your strength for every area of our life.


Thought for the Day:

As authentic Born Again Believers, we are in God’s constant care, recipients of His continual blessings and provision, and secure in His unconditional love and abundant care for us; through the wildest tempests, the deepest pits of despair, and the darkest of nights, He abides in us, and He keeps us close to Him until the storms pass by.