Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Rest and Tranquility


Trees in Park


What humans need more than anything else is serenity; however, we characteristically fill our schedule with a hectic lifestyle. This inclination keeps us in turmoil physically, mentally, emotionally and often financially as well. We do not even allow our self time to rest on the weekend.


To do less than we are doing seems lazy and irresponsible. We want to succeed in our vocation, prove that we are worthy of that promotion, and have valid feelings of pride in what we accomplish through our hard work and self-effort. Our focus rarely includes God’s plans for us (Psalm 37:4).


Our identity is based on our performance and what others think of us. We forget that our soul needs time to catch up, to shut down, to coast, to do something fun and fulfilling for a change. We are unaware that our spirit is not maturing due to a lack of basic Christian disciplines.


We dream of what we will do once we retire, and we put off enjoying our self for some future date that may never come, due to an unforeseen catastrophe in our life. Due to this disregard, we grow disillusioned, disappointed, and sometimes even bitter and angry.


The Biblical account of Martha is very symbolic of most of our lives. We plan extravagant events and end up burnt out from all of the extra effort it takes to accomplish them. We grow resentful because no one will help us to fulfill our goals; yet we trudge along with one foot in front of the other.


The scriptural exhortation that encourages us to get out of this maze built by our own activities is succinctly described in a few words, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Jesus encouraged us to observe the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, and to seek His Kingdom first (Matthew 6:28-33).



Father God, teach us to remember that we are human “be”-ings, not human “do”-ings. Remind us that You have plans for our life that You formulated for us before You knit us in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139). You teach us to stop our striving, and You even call us to enter into Your rest (Hebrews 4:10). Your Word teaches us that our spirit is brought to life from the death of sin through Your regeneration in salvation, and we are complete and fulfilled through Christ in us (Colossians 1:27).


Your Word also teaches us that the indwelling presence of Your Trinity gives us love, power, wisdom and a stable mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The fruit of Your Spirit blossoms in our life (Galatians 5:22-23) when we learn to hang out like a branch with Jesus, our Vine; and to allow the life of Your Spirit to flow through us, so that You can use us to bear much fruit throughout our lifetime (John 15:5). We want to walk the straight and narrow road that You plan for our blessing and protection.


Thought for the Day:

God does not call us to a life of hassle, hurry, or hustle; we bring that upon our self by our misguided goals, ideals, worldview and need for a positive self-esteem; instead, He calls us to walk in His plans for us and to enjoy His peace, fulfillment and rest to permeate every moment of our day.

-      Philippians 4:9; Romans 15:33; 1 Thessalonians 5:23