Saturday, August 29, 2020

Spiritual Reality

School of Gray Fish 


As Born Again Believers, we eventually realize that Christ in us is the wisdom of God, and we gain spiritual revelation that is beyond human understanding (1 Corinthians 2:24,30). His wisdom is full of mercy, spiritual fruit, purity, peace and has no instability and pretense (James 3:7).


We enter God’s rest when we allow Him to equip us with what we need to accomplish His plans for our life. He incorporates into our soul – which is our thoughts, emotions and choices – what is pleasing in His sight (Hebrews 13:20). 


If we feel anxiety rising in our soul, we can ask Him for His peace to guard our heart (Philippians 4:6-7). Jesus promised to give us His peace – eternal, internal peace - that invades our soul with His rest (John 14:27). 


Once we allow Him to save us, He provides us with this serenity, regardless of our circumstances (1 Corinthians 1:18; 2 Thessalonians 3:16). In fact, Christ in us is our peace, which we experience when we decide to allow His attributes to rule in our heart, rather than the fear and anxiety that the devil attempts to plant there (Romans 5:10; Ephesians 2:14; Colossians 3:15). 


Christ’s Spirit continues this transformation through the process of sanctification. God sets us apart to be a living testimony of Christ in us, which affects our emotions, thoughts, actions, choices and behavior. He gives us His abundant life (John 10:10), by filling us through all of our being with all of His fullness by His Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:16-19, Amplified Bible). 


Then, He helps us to grow in His grace and to mature in our relationship with Jesus (2 Peter 3:18). We no longer struggle with sin and carnality (Romans 7), because we find that He does not condemn us, and He gives us His power to abide in the reality of His presence within us (Romans 6 & 8).


When we accept His Word as Truth, God’s Spirit illuminates for us the deep insights of His Truth, and we eagerly walk in the ways of God (Isaiah 55:8-9; 1 Corinthians 2:10; Romans 11:33). Thankfully, God is beyond human understanding, and He rules and reigns in the heart of His Saints.



Father God, thank You for making our walk with You so simple. Once we accept by faith the Truth of Your Word, we come to intimately know You as You abide within our spirit. We also realize that we are known by You (1 Corinthians 8:1-3; Matthew 7:23). Remind us that it is by our personal and intimate relationship with You that we take deep breaths, relax, and enter into Your rest (Philippians 3:8-10).


Your Truth sets us free from the need to comprehend spiritual concepts with our finite mind (John 8:32). Christ in us sets us truly free from having to bring You and Your precepts down to our level (John 8:36). We come to realize by experience that You are our only way, truth and life (John 14:6), and we no longer have any need to understand You through carnal means and methods (1 Corinthians 1:20-21).


Thought for the Day:

When we try to understand the infinite Trinity of God with our human, finite intellect and reasoning, we cannot make the connection; we feel that we have to reject the truth of God’s Word by rationalizing our beliefs with our humanistic understanding, which is not reality at all.

-      Ecclesiastes 1:17; 1 Corinthians 3:18-20