Tuesday, May 4, 2021

God is Always Greater

Scenic View of Mountains During Dawn


Every trial that God allows in our life has a seed for a miracle planted within it. We simply need to wait on God to provide us with evidence of its existence, which keeps our focus on His support rather than on our deprivation. We survive every trial either by entering our eternal reward, or by living as victors in this world for as long as He needs us here.


God desires that rather than focusing on our fears and anxieties, that we trust Him completely and walk by faith as His Holy Spirit directs our steps. During His lifetime, the human side of Jesus gave us an unprecedented example of how to trust our Father God when we feel weary, overwhelmed, and stunned by the cares of this world.


God is constantly involved in every area of our life. He prunes us so that we can bear more spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23), supplies our every need in His timing and way, gives us an intimate relationship with His complete Godhead, and encourages and comforts us every moment of every day. 


Our Father God provides us with spiritual eyes and ears that can discern His purposes in our life through all our experiences. Once we walk past our unbelief, surrender to Jesus our concerns about our future fate (John 3:18), trust in Jesus’ suffering on Calvary’s cross as payment for our own sin debt, and yield all our plans to His plans for us, we flourish in this life like never before.


We are no longer concerned with consumerism, financial security, perfect relationships, a stellar reputation, or achievements through our own efforts and hard work. Our desires are more for spiritual pursuits than carnal ones, and our continual goal is to bless the Lord, rather than to seek His blessings on our life.


God gives us strength to face whatever comes our way today, tomorrow and in the distant future. We simply remember who He is, what He already did for us during our lifetime, and that He promises to lead us in His plans, which provide us with every good and perfect gift (Jeremiah 29:11; James 1:17).



Father God, teach us how to change the focus of our thoughts, and the intents of our heart, which continually considers the worse-case scenario, to centering on Your faithfulness and Your bountiful supply of all our needs. What we worry about rarely ever happens, and even if something bad does occur, You are right there in us and with us every step of the way.


No ill-will, trouble, dilemma, difficulty, hardship, or trial can ever separate us from Your love and provision for us (Romans 8:35-39). Help us to realize that You provide every negative instance in our life to show us how strong we really are in Christ, how spiritually mature we are growing through each incident, how positive our outlook and attitude have become, and how close You are to us through every moment of every day.


Thought for the Day:

We choose how we view the tribulation in our life, and we learn to use it as an opportunity to snuggle closer under God’s extended wings; God is always greater than any struggle that we ever encounter, and He already provided everything we need before we ever walked into it.

- Psalm 91:4