Wednesday, May 12, 2021

God’s Love Language


Photography of Assorted Colored Tulips


Did you know that God has a love language too? It is Words of Affirmation, and we continually offer this up to Him through PRAISE. Praise is the fruit of our lips to God’s ears (Hebrews 13:5). He delights in our praises, and He created all of us for this specific purpose. 



As we praise, we express our appreciation to Him for all that He did, does and will do for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18). As we go about our day at home, work, in the car, etc., we spend our every waking moment singing praises to Him out loud or in our heart (Ephesians 5:19).


Our soul boasts in Him for His sanctifying work, which frees us from the bondage of our flesh that we formerly focused on continually (Psalm 34:1-4). We also glory in our circumstances, because we know that He is working out every detail for our good (Romans 8:28). 


We praise Him all day long, during worship with our church family, as we stroll through nature, and when we experience His power working on our behalf (Psalm 127:6, 150:1). We adore Him, exalt Him, and trust in the name of Jesus through every moment of our day.


We can certainly make melody in our heart to Him (Ephesians 5:19) as we sit at our desk, or interact with people throughout the day, or care for children or the ill or seniors. Some of these people already know Him, and some are ready for us to introduce them to our Savior and Lord. 


We sing to the Lord, even if all we can do is make a joyful noise. He is the Rock of our Salvation (Psalm 95:1-11). We praise Him when we rejoice and succeed, as well as when we are afflicted and fail at some task, which He assigned to us (James 5:13). 


We no longer take the glory for undertakings that we excel in, because we realize that without Christ in us, we can do nothing (Mark 10:27). He deserves all the glory from our life, because we can do nothing without Him, and because it is due to Him for His mercy and truth’s sake (Psalm 115:1).


As our King of glory, the Lord in strong, mighty, and victorious in fighting our battles for us (Psalm 24:8-10). When we love, serve, and praise Him, He makes us more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). We can even give thanks to God in the presence of unbelievers, as we observe all His commandments and cooperate with His guidance (2 Samuel 22:50; Deuteronomy 28:1-68).



Father God, help us not to forget all Your benefits in our life, so our soul can bless and praise You day and night (Psalm 103:2). During the initial days, weeks, months and maybe even years of our walk with You, we may continue to walk in the counsel of the ungodly, hang out with sinners and sit in the company of skeptical and scornful people (Psalm 1:1-5). 


However, as we mature spiritually, You help us to make new friends, and You bless us abundantly with Your gracious gifts (Psalm 1:1-6). Your goodness, mercy, peace, and joy in our life comes from our intimate union with You, who are the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Remind us that Your love language is Verbal Affirmation, and that You thrive on the praises of Your people (Psalm 103:1-2).


Thought for the Day:

When we dwell in the secret place of our most high God, He does not give us a soul filled with fear, but His Spirit transforms us with His comfort, strength, power, love, and stability of mind; this allows us to abide in His secret place under His almighty shadow. 

- John 14:26; Psalm 91:1-16, 144:1; 2 Timothy 1:7