Friday, May 14, 2021

Spending Eternity Together

 Selective Focus Photography of White Petaled Flower


Every time a new person humbles him/her self, repents of their sins, and commits to trust Jesus with their life, we rejoice. Even all heaven rejoices when one sinner repents (Luke 15:7-10). The idea of spending eternity together with people from every generation and from every tribe, nation and people group is thrilling to me. 


Over my lifetime, I had the privilege of leading several people to faith in Jesus Christ. The first thought in my mind after they pray for salvation is that I cannot wait to spend eternity with them. Living as part of the family of God is comforting, supportive, nurturing and encouraging, and will also be an eternal privilege.


Many of my family, my extended family, my local church family, Saints that I have spent time with over the years, and new converts that dare to trust in the Lord with their whole heart will be with me forever. These people are not only convicted of their need of a Savior, but also converted in all their thoughts, words, deeds, attitude, worldview, and philosophy of life.


Some people pray a prayer in order to obtain a fire insurance certificate to save them from hell. God’s gospel and laws do not work that way. However, authentic Believers are my Christian brothers and sister both now and throughout eternity. Our fellowship will remain unbroken, even when our body dies and goes into the grave.


Sometimes, I am so overwhelmed by how special that makes me feel that I burst into tears of praise or giggles of joy. I matter; I have a forever family. God entrusted me with His important work, and even if I fail, I have forgiveness and another chance to get it right. I can do everything God expects of me by the guidance, wisdom and power of the Trinity of God who abides within me (Philippians 4:13).


Nothing in life or death can separate us from God both now and for eternity. We are members of one Body and Jesus is our head. We are the bride of Christ, co-heirs with Jesus of God’s Kingdom, adopted children in God’s family, members of God’s army, as well as lights set on a hill to draw others to the cross of Christ. 



Father God, thank You for giving us Your only begotten Son for our Savior, Redeemer, Lord, and King. We so look forward to crossing the threshold of this life and gaining an immortal body as we see You face-to-face. Until then, we joyfully serve You in any capacity into which You call us. Thank You that we can do Your will by Your Spirit, through the blood of Your Lamb, and in the name of Jesus, our Christ.


Teach us to do only Your will for our life, and to walk in Your Spirit. This gives us unending peace and joy and allows us to fellowship with Your presence within us at any moment of the day or night. We accomplish so much more with our day – in prayer, praise, partnering with other Saints, as well as with mission and evangelistic works. We want to abide in the center of Your perfect plans for us.


Thought for the Day:

As spiritual sons and daughters of God, we worship Him as our eternal Father, who prunes us into perfect branches of Jesus Christ, our Vine, by the transforming work of His Holy Spirit; with Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we are family in His eternal Kingdom and heirs of eternal life with all of the Saints from every nationality, that ever lived or will live on this earthly globe.