Thursday, June 17, 2021

Dancing in the Rain

Red and White Petaled Flowers 


I love to rest in the Lord, because it is such a peaceful place in which to abide. Regardless of the storm raging all around us, we know that our salvation, protection and provision come only from God. In Him, we are never shaken or alone (Psalm 62:1-2). 


I picture myself crawling up into Jesus' lap and taking a nap; a peaceful nap, like He took on the boat with His apostles (Matthew 8:23-27). Though they were fearful of the raging storm that appeared unexpectedly, Jesus slept on until the frightened men woke Him up to save them. He arose and calmed the storm.


Resting in the Lord is an important part of our walk with Him. Abiding in a restful state of mind allows our body, soul and spirit to rejuvenate, to regain our stamina, and to maintain our focus on the Lord and His promises. God's peace, joy and strength infuse us with His spiritual energy to accomplish His will for us (Psalm 37:7; John 16:33).


When we are weary from the trials of life, and burdened by our responsibilities and demands on our life, He gives us His rest as we focus on Him through it all. We yoke up with Him, and He helps us to carry the weight of our load (Matthew 11:28-30; Revelation 6:11; Isaiah 14:3).


God gives us wings to rise above, as well as to rest in, the turmoil of life (Psalm 55:6). He invites us to come away with Him to a quiet place and to rest with Him (Mark 6:31-32). He enables us to lay down and to sleep in peace, because even in the midst of the storm, we dwell in safety (Philippians 4:6-7).


I received a card a few years ago that took me one step further than resting in the Lord. It said ...  "When the storm clouds gather, learn to dance in the rain." Not only do we enter His rest, but then we have fun in the midst of the trial by "dancing in the rain." 



Father God, teach us to rest in You, trust in You, and to have faith in Your faithfulness so that we can go one step further and “dance in the rain” without any inhibitions or fear of the future. We rest in each moment as You grant it to us, and we serve You and rely on Your goodness and provision for everything that we need to accomplish Your will for our life.


Each day, You give us provision for our spiritual, mental, emotional, financial, and physical well-being. Forgive us of our transgressions that grieve Your Spirit and that interrupt our fellowship with You. Help us to forgive those who wound our soul and body. We rest in Your presence within us, and You keep us in perfect peace as we focus our thoughts on You and trust only in You (Exodus 33:14; Isaiah 26:3).


Thought for the Day:

God gives us rest for our soul, and teaches us to "dance in the rain;" however, eventually the righteous are removed from this earth to be spared the evil prevalent in this land, and to find eternal rest as we enter God's peace forever.

- Isaiah 57:1-2; Hebrews 4:9-10