Tuesday, June 22, 2021

God of Hope

 Yellow Petaled Flower Field


We receive the Holy Spirit into our lives when we receive Jesus as our Savior. Romans 8:9 makes it clear that if we do not have the Spirit of Christ dwelling within us, then we are not God’s child.


As we trust in Him by the power of His Holy Spirit, God gives us overflowing hope, and He completely fills us with His joy and peace (Romans 15:13). The peace and joy of the Holy Spirit sustains us through adversity and blessing alike.


In eternity, the mountains and hills will burst forth into songs all around us, the trees will clap their limbs together in praise, and daily we will go out with joy and be continually led by His peace in our service to Him (Isaiah 55:12).


At our moment of salvation, the entire Godhead moves into our spirit. Every attribute that is in God the Father and Jesus the Son reside in us through the Holy Spirit. He is also our Comforter, our Guide, and our ever-present Helper in time of need. 


No matter what circumstance you face, the Holy Spirit within you has the power to meet it victoriously. The problem, however, occurs when we do not take the time to listen to Him. We can train our physical ears to hear every sound around us in God’s glorious world.


We can also train our spiritual ears to hear God’s Spirit directing through each moment of our day. The Gospels and Revelation are full of verses that speak mysteries from God, and are accompanied by a verse like the one in Matthew 11:15, ”He who has ears to hear, let him hear! “


This may take concentrated effort on our part, and it may take time that we do not want to carve out of our busy schedule. However, if we patiently sit quietly and listen, we will enter an entirely new realm of walking in the Spirit. 



Father God, in our quest for more intimacy with You, our thoughts and mind may be too cluttered with the natural world to hear from Your Spirit within us. Help us to simplify our life until every moment is filled only with Your will for us. This allows us to walk in Your peace, joy and love each moment of the day.


Give us the wisdom, perseverance, and strength to cut out all the willful sins in our life, and to live the holy life that You desire of us (1 Peter 1:16). Remind us that we can rely on Your Spirit to sanctify us as we abide in the Vine of Christ (). Thank You that Your presence in our life makes everything more intensely beautiful.


Thought for the Day:

We are wise to take time to go to a quiet place, fold our hands, close our eyes, and bow our head in anticipation, as we focus our entire physical and spiritual attention on the Holy Spirit within us, by listening with our inner spiritual ears and hearing His direction for each moment of our day.