Friday, June 25, 2021

Life in this Present Moment

 selective focus photo of a red tulip flower


Anxiety overtakes our soul when we focus on the past or future, rather than on the present moment. Neither of those focal points are useful topics in our current circumstances unless we are learning something from our past or making provision for our future. 


Rejecting the temptation to feel anxiety over any issue, and praying without ceasing about every situation, feeling, thought, request, and choice, allows the peace of God - that has nothing to do with worldly comfort - to guide our heart and reassure our mind through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:5-7).


God heals us from the hurt from our past and the fear of the future when we commit to His sanctification all that we think, say, and do. We do not obsess over the past or future or allow them to prevent us from paying attention to God’s provision for us in the “here and now.”


This allows our endeavors to succeed as He directs our path (Proverbs 3:5-6, 16:3). We seek His will and trust in Him with our whole heart, and He rescues and delivers us (Psalm 22:8). We take all our concerns to the Lord because He continually sustains us, and never allows us to experience any trial without Him walking through it with us (Psalm 55:22).


The past is over and forgiven, and we are not guaranteed a future; therefore, dwelling on them usually hinders our effectiveness in the present issues in our life. We are only guaranteed this moment in which we are drawing our current breath. 


Our next breath will be either on this side of Heaven, or with the Lord in His glorious physical presence (2 Corinthians 5:8). We have no guarantees, and we may be taken by surprise. However, with Christ in us we have no worries or fears (Matthew 6:25-34).



Father God, Jesus told Simon Peter that Satan asked for permission to sift him like wheat, but Jesus pleaded for him in prayer. Once Peter repented, he turned back to You and was a great strength as he built up the faith of his brothers and the rest of Christianity throughout the ages (Luke 22:31-32). Thank you that Jesus pleads for us as well (1 John 2:1). 


Strengthen us and keep us focused on You. Once You heal us, we no longer feel shame over our past or entertain worries about the future. Even if the circumstances around us are full of turmoil and conflict, we are safe and secure in Your everlasting arms in each present moment (Deuteronomy 33:27).


Thought for the Day:

As we dwell in the moment, we become conscious of our union with God through Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit inhabits our spirit and leads us moment by moment throughout our day; we emerge from our quiet time in His presence, and we radiate joy and walk in His peaceful calm in the midst of all life’s difficulties.