Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Thirsty and Hungry Soul

Pink and Green Flower Petals 


Faith in the triune presence of God within us brings with it the anointing of God’s Spirit. We completely yield to God’s will and receive His Spirit’s direction and comfort through each moment of our day. He gives us victory over the deceitfulness of the devil, the temptation of sin, and the pull of the world over our life. 


God desires a deeper, personal relationship with us. When we surrender all to God, He works in our life to perfect us, until we reflect the image of His Son (2 Corinthians 3:18). It is only through prayer at the foot of the throne of God that we receive His full supply for all our needs. He fills us with His Spirit, and we abide in Christ’s presence throughout our lifetime (John 15:4).


No one is good, except the Lord (Romans 3:10). Unlike the foolish Galatians (Galatians 3:1-3), we stop trying to perfect our self, and we realize that we are already dead and hidden with Christ in God (Colossian 3:3). In this place of peace, we find rest for our soul. We are not required to strive to please God; but instead, He simply invites us to enter His rest (Hebrews 4:10). 


We no longer use our energies, or concern our self, with gaining this world’s excesses or meeting other people’s demands on us, because they will soon fade in the light of eternity. We are crucified with Christ, and He now lives His life in and through us. 


We stop hindering Him by our unbelief, because we live by the faith of the Son of God, who loves us and willingly gave Himself for us (John 3:16-18; Galatians 2:20). God calls us to be kings and priests and to serve Him (Revelation 1:6). As we focus on Christ alone, we live in righteousness, peace, and joy (Romans 14:17). 


When we sit in quiet contemplation of who God is and all that He does for us, we enter the restful peace of the Lord (Isaiah 30:15; Psalm 60:1). Even when He is silent, we wait patiently for Him, enjoying His companionable presence within us (Psalm 77:7). 



Father God, it is in the quiet times, as we sit at Your feet, that we hear your still, small voice. If we are rushing around working for You, we do not stand a chance of hearing the direction of Your Spirit. Thank You for teaching us to abide in the Vine, so that Your spiritual fruit will flow into us from Christ, and out to bless others that You bring our way. Teach us to lay down our own agenda for our life, and to surrender to Your will and ways. 


Help us to adopt a teachable attitude, and to walk in humility. In our position of continual worship, You reveal Yourself to us and present us with a multitude of blessings. As our good, good Father, You fulfill our every needed and flood us with Your perfect gifts (James 1:17). Remind us that if we do not have what we want, it is because You do not want us to have it at this time. We wait on You each moment of our day.


Thought for the Day:

Without Christ, we are empty, helpless, and alone in our attempts to reach God, to perfect our self, or to reach some higher form of enlightenment; however, as we abide in the Vine of Christ, His Spirit flows from Him into His branches, which we are, and produces through us His fruit that eternally remains, and which satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry soul.

- John 15:5, 26; Psalm 107:9