Saturday, October 9, 2021

Deliberate Focus


Brown Mountains


Our Father God provides us with spiritual eyes and ears to see and to hear His will for our life. He helps our unbelief (Mark 9:24), and calms our anxiety birthed amid traumatic events, or even during the threat of them. We are more aware of His craftsmanship in our life during the trials we experience.


We learn that fear is a red flag to alert us to our need to focus on God rather than the issues we face (Isaiah 26:3). When we embrace the negative circumstances, rather than attempting to hide or run from them, we encounter His strength, power, wisdom, and faithfulness throughout their assault on our life. 


When we live in obedience to God’s direction each moment of our day, He breaks the satanic strongholds that stand in our way. He also ignites our passion about the concerns at hand and enables us to either change the situations or to turn them all over to Him for His resolution in His timing and way.


When we refuse to walk by faith in God’s faithfulness, we limit His ability to use us and to bless us (2 Corinthians 5:7-9). God wants to control every issue in our life, and we can trust Him to care for us and to lead us through every one of them (Romans 8:28). 


For instance, my aunt's home burned TWICE when I was a child, and I'll never forget the trauma, stench, and destruction the fires caused her and my uncle and cousins ... both were horrid experiences. Due to those incidences, I am so careful as an adult to adhere to safety measures and to keep "escape" routes clear in every home in which we ever live. 


A recent trivial trial for me occurred in my yard. It is full of dandelions in spring, and then clover flowers bloom when the dandelions are done. However, I learned not to view these as weeds, but as blessings, because we have bee, butterfly, and hummingbird pollinators in our yard and in our little perennial flower garden all season long. 


This gives us time for sitting on our back porch swing and chatting and snuggling as we watch and hear the nature all around us. These are perfect resting moments in between chores. God gives us all similar times of repose if we allow our self to slow down and to make the time to praise Him.



Father God, thank You for redeeming us, knowing us so intimately that You see the number of hairs on our head, and calling us as Your adopted children (Luke 12:7). We have no need to focus on what may happen to us, or on what we are experiencing at the moment, because we know without a shadow of doubt that You care for us.


We have no need to fear what life or people may do to us, or about troubling issues we may need to face, because You are with us and in us through it all. You are our God, our Holy One, and our Savior in all things (Isaiah 43:1-3). Give us Your faith to accomplish what You call us to do and help us to live as a testimony to Your power within every authentic Born Again Believer.


Thoughts for the Day:

When we focus on the eternal side of life rather than on a finite, carnal one, we are strong and courageous rather than discouraged and hopeless because our triune God abides in us and walks with us at all times. 

- 2 Corinthians 4:18; Hebrews 11:1Joshua 1:9