Life often drains us of our energy and makes us weary with one painful episode after another. This causes destructive thoughts and emotions to bombard our soul. The key to recovery from this dissatisfaction is to exchange this negative focus with more productive and positive solutions to the issues depressing us.
We do this by trusting God with our whole heart and accepting the situation rather than attempting to fight it. He inspires us to look at our circumstances from a spiritual perspective. This exercise will diminish anxiety, depression, disparaging thoughts and emotions, and lighten our mood and attitude.
Exchanging all unhealthy feelings and behaviors for positive ones increases in our faith in God’s faithfulness. They enable us to better cope with hurtful situations and people. This allows us to improve our methods of managing our painful emotions, and helps us to decrease conflict in our mind, emotions, and relationships.
Sometimes a Christian therapist, a Transformation Prayer partner, and certain medications or supplements can help by refocusing our point of view by filling in the gaps that our body, diet, and lifestyle creates and uses to diminish our natural coping skills and balance.
No situation is ever hopeless but has a resolution that God wants to reveal to us as we spend concentrated times in prayer about our negative thoughts and feelings. Satanic lies are usually in the middle of this barrage of negative issues, and God wants to reveal His truth to us about them.
Father God, as we persevere in prayer with patience, and spend time listening to Your solutions, You always give us an answer or a statement of truthful fact that diminishes the effects of satanic lies and restores peace and joy to our soul. Give us Your strength to stop our human impatience and to rearrange our schedule in order to spend this time listening to Your wisdom and truth.
Our deliverance depends on our trust in You, and our willingness to humble our self before You as we sit quietly in Your presence. You want to set us free from bondage to negative thoughts and sinful desires, and only as we put our self in this attitude of prayer will we hear Your counsel. Help us to obey You in all things and to submit to Your advice.
Thoughts for the Day:
When life harasses us with negative interactions and issues, we can trust solely in the Lord to deliver us through every trying circumstance and to give us His wisdom on how to look at and deal with each one individually. He is faithful and true and will always work out everything for our eventual good no matter how negative it seems at the moment.
- Romans 8:28; Proverbs 3:5-6