Monday, October 24, 2022

A Funny Trick


Last week, the Lord played a funny trick on me. I am still laughing about it today. You see, every day I use nose and eye drops when I first wake up to prepare my sinuses and eyes for allergens I will encounter that day – I am allergic to five different species of trees, as well as some plants and toxins in the environment.


Well, one morning last week, I could not find my eye drops. I searched the plastic box I usually keep them in, as well as the wire basket that the box is in, and the tissue box I keep next to the wire basket, and behind and under both items, and in the covers all around me, but to no avail.


I fell asleep again for a couple of hours, which is very unusual, and when I woke up, right there at my eye level was the tiny glass bottle of eye drops delicately perched on the top edge of the plastic box and the wire basket in my plain sight. 


It must have been hidden in the folds of my blanket and as I took that extra nap, the Lord flipped that bottle from the blanket to cause the drops to precariously tetter on the top edge of the box and basket right in the direction of my eyesight when I woke up. 


Of course, I started laughing at such a strange phenomenon and I felt the love of my Daddy God penetrating every fiber of my being. He is always doing things for me to remind me of His love for me – using things like the numbers on the clock, heart-shaped pebbles in a stone driveway or parking lot, or putting a song in my heart that brings me tears of joy for His redemption of my life.


My desperate prayer is that those who do not have this intimate unity with the Creator of the Universe, will humble themselves and turn away from their selfish lifestyle and embrace the salvation available to everyone in order to be part of His adopted family (John 3:16-18). 



Father God, thank You so much for Your active presence in our life, once we walk away from the sins that so easily tempt us in order to surrender control of our life to You. With each passing day of Your Spirit’s sanctification of our life, sin grieves us just as it does You. We find no joy in participating in any activity that robs You of Your glory and the praise and honor that You deserve.


We chase after more holiness in our choices, and we reap fewer trials and negative circumstances and emotions from the consequences of our decisions. You walk with us through every moment of our life, as we abandon the yoke of our own earthly goals and dreams, and instead take Your yoke upon our self, which is easy and light (Matthew 11:28-30). Eternity will not even give us enough time to give You all the praise and gratitude that You deserve.


Thoughts for the Day:

God became a man in the form of Jesus Christ in order to ransom the whole world, in every generation and nation starting with His creation of the whole universe, from Adam’s original sin of disobedience as well as our individual transgressions of His principles (John 1:1-14). As we hunger after Him and simplify our lifestyle in order to embrace His rightful place in our life, we find His peace, power, guidance, and joy each and every moment of our life.