Monday, October 17, 2022

The Bible is True



My Ph.D. husband likes to prove that the Bible is true by showing that its prophecies are true. 300 of them were fulfilled in Jesus’ life alone. 

Some are listed here: 

·      Consider His life (Isaiah 7:14-Matthew 1:18Micah 5:2-Matthew 2:1Isaiah 35:5–6-Matthew 11:5), 

·      His death (Isaiah 50:6-Mark 14:65Isaiah 53:12Mark 14:65Isaiah 53:9-Matthew 27:57–60), 

·      His resurrection (Psalm 16:10; Mark 16:6)

·      His ascension into heaven (Psalm 68:18Mark 16:19) and 

·      His exaltation at God’s right hand (Psalm 110:11 Peter 3:22).


More prophecies were fulfilled, when around 1948 Israel once more became a sovereign nation, the revised Roman Empire was created, and the World Council of Churches was formed (2 Timothy 3:3-17; Ezekiel 35-39). 


Many people believe that these prophecies were self-fulfilling. This is a satanic lie to lead people away from believing Biblical truth. A self-fulfilling prophecy is considered a psychological incidence that occurs when people predict or expect something to occur, and the resulting fulfillment is caused by human behavior.


I find it hard to believe that a tiny baby, born in a stable in Bethlehem, fulfilled His prophesied events on his own. I am sure that Mary would not have chosen to give birth in a stable, and shepherds could not summon angels to inform them of the birth of a Christ child. Yet, people resist God’s truth and prefer to believe in satanic lies instead.


No amount of human belief and hope can produce the results of so many Biblical prophecies actually happening exactly as the writers of them inscribed. These are all inspired by the Spirit of God, and no amount of “explaining” them away will change that fact.


The sad result of believing this lie is that so many people will end up in eternal damnation for not trusting their life and eternity to the call of God to come to Him when they are weary and heavy laden (John 3:16-18). They attempt to solve their problems on the own using human resources, rather than to submit their life to God.


Our eternal Father wants to bless their life and relieve their suffering, but their “stiff neck” and “hard heart” stands in their way (Acts 7:51-52). Their pride and rebellion prevent them from bowing to King Jesus now. Yet, when King Jesus takes His throne, every knee in Heaven, on the earth, and below the earth will bow before Him (Philippians 2:10).



Father God, please open the eyes of the heart of every unbeliever to realize that Biblical truth is not dependent on a person’s expectation or belief or prior knowledge, but on Your inspiration and fulfillment in Your timing and way. We count it a joyful experience when we go through various trials (James 1:2-3), because Jesus already overcame sin, death, and the grave.


I pray that those I love will not wait until it is too late to realize that the gods they pray to are futile, and the name that is given above every name, Jesus Christ, is their only true source of blessing and eternal salvation (Philippians 2:9). Thank You that authentic Believers do go through trials, but Christ in us traverses every one of them with us. We take His yoke on our shoulders because He makes our trials easy and light (Matthew 11:29-30).


Thoughts for the Day:

The Bible is filled with truth, which scientists took thousands of years to discover and some are only now proving:


·      Columbus helped to confirm that the earth is round and that it is supported by nothing but gravity from the sun (Job 26:7; Isaiah 40:22; Psalm 103:12). 

·      Astronomers are proving what the Bible also states: that the stars are innumerable (Jeremiah 33:22; Genesis 22:17), differ in their brilliancy and life span (1 Corinthians 15:41), follow a predictable course, and cluster in constellations and galaxies (Jeremiah 31:35; Job 9:9). 


·      For years, anthropologists debated whether the human race originated from one source. Today, DNA and genetics authenticate what the Bible claimed all along, that we came from one man and one woman (Genesis 3:20; 1 Corinthians 15:54; Acts 17:26). The various races came when God scattered the inhabitants of the known world across the whole earth (Genesis 11:1-9).


·      Evolution claims that all of life came from a single cell. However, the Bible claims that God created everything “after its own kind.” Biology confirmed that blood circulation, complex protein sequences in DNA – which are unique with each individual, fossil records and the lack of proof of evolutionary links in any discovery to date, all of this substantiates that God created each species as uniquely special (Leviticus 17:11). 


·      The study of geology, with today’s scientific methods, corroborate that fossil records validate the Biblical claim that a catastrophic flood annihilated life and petrified life forms at that time. This confirms scripture found in Ecclesiastes 1:7, Isaiah 55:10, Psalm 8:8 and Genesis 7:11. God gives us accurate predictions of future events, so that we do not fear the future.