Monday, October 3, 2022

God’s Mercy Abides Forever


As we walk with the Lord, He teaches us to love His mercy, to live righteously, and to walk with Him in humility (Micah 6:8). None of us has any holiness on our own, but we do not need to earn God’s love, nor can we ever lose His love. It is His free gift to us (John 3:16-18). We deserve hell, but God’s mercy forgives our transgressions. 


We may hold the opinion that we are a good person and not deserving of God’s wrath, but if we ever tell a lie, have pride in our accomplishments, steal anything at all, allow our heart to think or do evil to another, to act as a false witness against someone, or if we stir up conflict between people in our family or community, etc., we prove that we are sinners (Proverbs 6:16-19).


Jesus made the way for us to approach God’s throne boldly to find His grace in all our times of need (Hebrews 4:1). His mercy is new every morning of our life (Lamentation 3:22-23). Rather than living in fear and stress, we spend our days rejoicing in God’s goodness to us and singing praises to His name.


We hope in His mercy and trust Him to uphold us when we stumble on life’s rocky road. He made us alive in Christ even when we were reaping the results of Adam’s sin or drowning in a self-seeking life (Ephesians 2:4-5).


Once we come to Jesus for forgiveness, we do not continue to live in willful sin. We are no longer under the law but living in the center of God’s grace (Romans 6:15). The favor of the Lord rests on us, He protects us, and He directs us to walk in His will for our life (Psalm 40:11, 90:17). His goodness and mercy surround us all the days of our life (Psalm 23:6).


Our Father makes sure that good will come to those who live generously and help the poor and needy as we manage our business with honesty and integrity (Psalm 112:5). He never abandons those who put their trust in Him alone because He is our gracious and merciful God.



Father God, have mercy on us according to Your love that never fails. Thank you for Your great compassion on our failings and for blotting out our transgressions of Your righteousness. You wash away our iniquity and cleanse us from any desire to sin against You (Psalm 51:1-2). You deserve all our gratitude, honor, and praise.


There is no one like You, because You pardon our sin and forgive our offenses against You. You feel angry when we willfully sin, but You are quick to forgive when we repent. You delight in showing mercy toward us (Micah 7:18). You never turn Your face from those who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus (2 Chronicles 30:9; Isaiah 30:18).


Thoughts for the Day:

God is quick to forgive us when we show mercy on others and forgive them of their evil against us (Matthew 6:14). The Lord is good to have compassion on us for the sins of our youth and our rebellious ways (Psalm 252:6-7). It is only right to offer our life to Him as a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to Him, and a sign of our true and proper worship of Him (Romans 12:1).