Thursday, October 6, 2022

A Life of Grace


Sin results in death, but holiness brings us eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord. The grace of God along with His gift of justification come to reign in our life once we walk away from our willful, self-centered lifestyle (Romans 5:17-21). God’s Spirit sanctifies us (Exodus 31:13), and Jesus is our advocate before our Father God, pleading our case when we inadvertently sin (1 John 1:8-2:2).


The first Adam brought sin and condemnation on all mankind through his disobedience, and that sin is inherited by every baby ever born through all the centuries of time (Romans 6:23). Yet Jesus, God’s sacrificial Lamb, gave His life’s blood for the forgiveness of anyone willing to humble themselves, repent, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved (Romans 5:8).


God does not condemn the world, but desires that all people everywhere accept His free offer of salvation. God’s grace comes to us to convict us of our sin, to reign in our spirit and soul through righteousness, and to produce in us eternal life. We condemn our self by our unbelief and rejection of this offer (John 3:16-18).


Though we often hurtle headlong into sin because of our freedom to choose, amazing grace convicts us to repent and to surrender to God’s will. Living lives of grace toward our self and others makes a huge difference in our world. God’s grace grants us an intimate, personal relationship with His Trinity (Zephaniah 17:3).



Father God, thank You that Your love covers all our iniquities and shortcomings. Your grace gives us the hope of doing better the next time we face temptation and trials. We are so grateful that You are with us and in us every step of our journey through life until we reach glorification when we see Jesus face-to-face (1 John 3:2). 


Help us to live as an example of Your unconditional love toward everyone You bring into our life. We want to convey Your grace to others, so they too can enjoy intimacy with You during their lifetime, as well as to experience an eternity in Your presence. Thank You that eternal life involves knowing You and Jesus whom You sent (John 17:3).  



Thoughts for the Day:

If anyone hears God’s voice and opens the door of their heart to Him, we will not perish in damnation, but we will enjoy life and eternity with His Trinity (Revelation 3:20). Jesus is the only way, truth, and life to Heaven, and no one comes to our Father God, except through Him alone (John 14:6).