Monday, December 26, 2011

Man of Conviction

Read: Daniel 6:22-26

"I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For He is the living God and He endures forever." - Daniel 6:26

Daniel chose to be different rather than to dishonor his vows before God. All of those around him watched with skepticism and derision, yet with an inkling of respect too. His work ethic and respectful submission to authority gained him favor in the eyes of the kingdom authorities. Jealousy in his fellow officials eventually got him thrown into the Lion’s Den; but Daniel’s faith in God miraculously delivered him from these ravenous beasts.

After this, God used Daniel to encourage his Jewish kinsmen. By living as a man of conviction, Daniel also rose in the ranks of government and ended up ministering for seventy years as a trusted counselor in Babylon. As he increased in power and influence, God also utilized him as a witness to an entire nation, who’s King eventually decreed that they all worship the one true God.

Though our current circumstance may be less than desirable, we can take courage from Daniel. He lived for God with total devotion, even through the dark night in the Lion’s Den. Let’s be men and women of conviction and trust and serve our Living God with our whole heart. He will make use of us as salt and light in a dying world of darkness, just as he employed Daniel in his day and time.

Lord Jesus, help us to walk down the straight and narrow path, even when all of our friends or family members want us to take the easy road. Help us to live up to our convictions on a daily basis and please provide for our needs abundantly above all we could ever ask or think.

Thought for the Day:
Regardless of your current situation, determine to live for God with committed conviction and dedicated devotion.