Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Consumed With Hope

Read: Job 11:13-19 (Hope-filled Verse)

“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” - Romans 5:5 (NKJV)

Life rarely transpires as simply as we hope it will. Nothing is ever easy. Something usually goes wrong that rearranges our plans and causes stress, confusion and sometimes even depression. I know what it feels like to wallow in a hopeless cesspool of gloom. Only the mercy of God gave me the hope I needed to climb out of the dark pit of self-pity, which I dug for myself.

In Romans, Paul reminds me that if I have the courage not to give up, and if I hope in the Lord, then God will strengthen my heart. Daily, God prompts me to learn from my past mistakes and to meet each pure, fresh day with renewed enthusiasm. I find success if I obey His Spirit, even though it may greatly differ from what I had planned and regardless of what forces try to hinder me.

God did not promise us tomorrow, but He inspires us with His hope for today. Hope sheds light on our path, cheers us on our way, and grows brighter even if our circumstances darken. We also aid others along life’s way by empathizing with their discouragement; by sharing Bible verses with them, which lightened our heart; and by encouraging their hopes and dreams.

Lord, keep Your eye on those of us who hope in Your mercy. Remind us that our ultimate hope rests in living for eternity with You.

Thought for the Day:
Life in Christ is secure, because He is our hope.