Friday, January 6, 2012

Metabolizing Faith

Read: John 4: 34-38

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-7 NKJV
When I hit my forty-fifth birthday, I quit! I quit striving, contriving and controlling my life, and just let go and let God. I finally realized that I am a person too with valid needs and desires that God wanted to supply. Jesus knew what it meant to do the will of our Father without contrivance or stress. He simply walked peacefully in the way, which His Father revealed to Him. I learned from His example.

When I started to trust God on a minute-by-minute basis, my budding faith started to affect my physical, emotional and spiritual health. I felt better physically because I avoided illnesses brought on by negative emotions such as stress, fear and anger. I felt better emotionally because I had a more positive focus on events in my life and the people who caused the turmoil. I felt better spiritually, because I completely trusted God with my insecure future.

Little pinpoints of light broke through the darkness. I started living in peace that transcends all human reasoning, in spite of the fact that my whole world got turned upside down. Each day, exhibiting joy and a positive outlook on life became easier and more habitual. I started living in the moment, rather than fearing the future or feeling resentment over the past. The rays of light eventually formed a pattern that made it easier for me to see what God really wanted to do in my life. I learned to relish each blessing as God brings it my way.

Even if Satan tries to rob me of my faith, by disguising the blessings in negative circumstances, I continue to trust God and to wait on His perfect timing, actively looking for the miracle in each trial. This faith energizes me mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and helps me to accomplish so much more for the kingdom of God.

Lord, help me to continue to look for the miracle in each event in my life. Even the most horrifying circumstances hold the seed of faith for something new that You are doing in my life. As I sit daily in Your presence, continue to increase my faith and make me an instrument to spread Your peace to everyone I meet.

Thought For The Day:
Faith is immensely impractical, but completely crucial as it reveals to us the impossible as tangible.