Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Night Watches

Read: Gen 1:1-29

“My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning.” Ps 130:6a KJV

In the Genesis account of creation, God uses the phrase, “The evening and morning were the first day.” He repeats this expression with each consecutive day. I find it interesting that He starts his day in the evening. The Jewish Shabbat, or Sabbath, also started a few minutes before sunset on Friday evening and continued until the appearance of three stars in the sky on Saturday night. It offers an opportunity for the Jewish person to contemplate the spiritual aspects of life and to spend quality time with their family.

The Jews had three Night Watches: The First or “beginning” watch from sunset to ten o'clock, the Second or "middle” watch from ten until two, and the Third or "morning” watch from two to sunrise. Under control of the Roman Empire, Israel actually had four watches: The "even” watch from sunset until nine, the “midnight” watch from nine until midnight, the “cockcrowing” watch from midnight until three, and the “morning" watch from three until six. 

My favorite time is the middle watch. I keep God company from ten at night until two in the morning. I create, translate, contemplate, resonate, speculate, formulate, meditate, investigate and communicate while other people sleep. I email scriptures to hurting people or write encouraging notes. I make crafty items for our personal use or for gifts. I talk to other night owls on the phone. I get free shipping with online shopping, since we rarely have time to shop at the store. I play with our pets and watch a family style movie and enjoy the quiet. I write my devotion and then post it on this online blog. I pray for family and friends as God brings them to my mind. I spend time worshipping and praising our living Lord and enjoying His companionship.

My eyes are wide-awake, my senses are alert and my mind is totally engaged throughout the night watch. I am in very good company. Jesus also prayed all night, “Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” Luke 6:12 NKJV

Prayer ~ Lord, as I ponder You on my bed, and reflect on You in the night watches, put Your desires in my heart, lead me according to Your will, inspire me to help those in Your body who are hurting and pour out Your Spirit upon me anew.

Thought for the Day ~ I stay awake throughout the middle night watch and enjoy personal time with my living Lord who dwells within me.