Monday, January 23, 2012

Healing Us Completely

Read: Matthew 11: 28-30

“The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a well watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”  - Isaiah 58:11

The apostle Paul wrote a prayer for the church in Thessalonica asking for the God of Peace to sanctify them entirely and to preserve their SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY completely and without blame (1Thessalonians 5:13). The power of redemption is provided to not only sanctify our spirit, but also our soul and our body.

In the Hebrew Bible the term “soul” is nephesh. It is used 756 times. This word can refer to “life” (Genesis 1:30), or simply to the “person” (Deuteronomy 10:22). The soul is identified as the mind, will and emotions of man. It is the center of our feelings, desires and affections, which influence all of our choices and our actions.

Health specialists assert that those who have mental and emotional problems fill more hospitals beds than all the physical and surgical ailments combined. Psychosomatic illnesses, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, are cause by emotional wounds that pierce our soul. It happens when we cannot face the reality of our life here on earth, such as after traumatic events. PTSD occurs not only in the lives of soldiers, but also in anyone who suffers abuse of any kind. This trauma affects the connectors in our brain, as well as the very cells of our body. It also causes damage that goes deep into our soul.

Job experienced this trauma throughout the trials with which Satan plagued him. He felt like he teetered on the edge of a deep dark abyss. He prayed for his soul to be brought back from the pit, that he may be enlightened with the light of life (Job 33:30). The Lord wants to heal us in every facet of our spirit, body and soul; so that our fellowship with Him will remain unhindered by the corruption of our carnal nature (Hosea 14:4). The Lord yearns for the restoration of our soul, in order to return it to the place of harmonious communion with Him, which was lost when Adam and Eve sinned (Jeremiah 32:37).

A generous, daily application of God’s Word to our lives does wonders for “restoring” our soul’s stability, as it also strengthens our spirit at the same time (Psalm 23:3). The inner healing we receive from an intimate relationship with God also eliminates the need for illegal pills, tobacco, alcohol, pornography, compulsive behavior, excessive financial spending, sex outside of marriage and all of the sins that kill both our body and our soul.

Jesus promised rest to all those that would come to Him (Matthew 11:28-30). The first step to receiving this eternal rest is through salvation, which embarks us on a life long journey with the God of the Universe as our best friend. Our spirit, which was dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1), is Born Again. The second step comes when He restores our soul as we read His Holy Word. In modern society, we are so blessed that God gave us not only the Old Testament, but also the entire Bible to enjoy (Psalm 19:7). The third step comes when the peace and joy of God floods our soul through our daily communion with Him in prayer, which heals us of these wounds from the past. The final step comes as we walk in His ways and obey His precepts.

Lord Jesus, Psalm 23 describes us at the end of our human life. The shepherd author praises You as our great Shepherd, who restores our soul (Psalm 23:3). Not only do you award us with complete healing as we enter through the door of death into Heaven, but You also heal us through every dark valley we ever experience during our lifetime on this troubled earth. We stand in awe of You, and we sing Your praises now and throughout eternity.

Thought for the Day:
Make an appointment with our Great Physician, resolve to take His prescribed therapy, and watch your body, soul and spirit prosper (3 John 1:2).