Sunday, June 24, 2012

Feeling Empty Inside

Read: Ephesians 3:16-19

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

So many people today feel forsaken and lonely, disconnected from love and care. They have lost homes, loved ones, financial security, job longevity and friends they once held dear. They wander in virtual darkness, wondering what lurks just around the corner for them, and dreading it with every passing day (Ecclesiastes 2:20). They wonder if they will ever find happiness again and they despair of ever feeling whole once more. Satan convinces them that God no longer cares about them, and that they are lost in the darkness of their circumstances forever.

Why are we so discouraged? Why is our heart so utterly sad? The Psalmist repeatedly declares that if we put our hope in God, He will never let us down (Psalm 43:5a). We have no need to hope for something which we already have. Hope does sustain us, however, when we cannot see any way out or any success in our future (Romans 8:24).

If we put all of our hope in the Lord, and not on anything or anyone of this world, He will renew our strength. He will see to it that we take flight on wings like eagles; that we run, but do not grow weary; and even when we have to climb the steepest mountain, we will not faint (Isaiah 40:31).

When calamity falls upon us, and everything we try bears no fruit and every resource we once had fails, we can still be joyful in the Lord (Habakkuk 3:17-18). He never leaves us and He never fails (1 Kings 8:57). In His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). This hope only comes through praising Him and recognizing Him as our Savior and God every waking moment (Psalm 43:5b).

We all connect with God differently. When you wake up in the morning, meet with God and walk in unity with Him all day long. Take a walk and pray, sing worship songs, listen to Christian music, spend time in nature, sit quietly in God’s presence in your prayer closet, read His Word or whatever helps you to feel closest to God. Only as you keep your mind focused on Him can He keep you in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). The minute we take our mind off Him, negative emotions will flood our soul.

When you feel your peace slipping away, go to a quiet place and ask yourself why you feel as you do. Once you realized what robbed you of your joy, fix the issue. If you cannot fix it, then give it to God and trust Him to work it out for your good in His timing (Romans 8:28). Do not ever entertain negative emotions. They rob you of your joy, peace and hope, as well as your physical, emotional and mental well being.

Focus on the positive aspects of your life and thank God for those. He will provide all of your needs according to His riches in glory in His own time, not in your time. Praise Him for all things, even the bad things, each and every day. God inhabits our praises (Psalm 22:3). So, when we praise Him, His presence fills us to the fullest.

Lord Jesus, fill us with Your presence and allow us to feel Your love flowing over us like a waterfall as we sit in Your presence. I
pray that, as the source of all hope, you will fill us completely with joy and peace, simply because we trust in You. Help us to overflow with confident hope through the power of Your Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:13)

Thought for the Day:
The severest of trials cloaks a miracle just waiting for you to believe.