Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hearing From God

Read: Ephesians 3:16-19
“Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:7

No person, place, animal, or thing can bring you satisfaction from within or bring you fulfillment in your life. The depth of intimacy we experience in a personal relationship with God is the most nourishing experience of our lives. It affirms our very existence. Yet, we humans do everything we can to avoid it!!!

We get so caught up in our relationships, our ministry, and our accomplishments that we allow these earthly things to crowd out our intimate times with the Lord. Then, at other times, when we do take time for God, we often have distracted, barren, or faltering times. Don’t be discouraged, however, Satan is just providing road blocks that Jesus will soon overcome.

Have you ever prayed and heard or felt nothing? Then, just praise Him for who He is, what He’s done and what He means to you. God inhabits our praises and Satan runs from them (James 4:7-8; Hebrews 10:19-22). Sometimes, God remains silent and distant. He hides His face from us. Rest assured, however, that He continues to work in you.

In these barren or quiet times, His concentration is on our subconscious level of thought; getting us ready to be responsive to His next urging in our spirit. These quiet times cause us to hunger after God. They create a longing in us to return to our first love with Jesus, who is our Creator, our Redeemer, our Savior, and our Lord.

We allow the pressures and distractions of life to monopolize our attention, so often, that we fall into an exhausted sleep each night without ever having been to that still, small, inner place to meet our Father. When the mind is full of clutter and distractions, we get pulled in many directions without any goals or purpose. We find a lack of depth in our devotion. God’s voice cannot compete or penetrate our awareness, because the clutter is too overpowering and we are not listening for His voice. Often we hide our sorrow in some addiction that further separates us from the arms of our Holy God.

What I came to see as the critical element of hearing from God is that we expose ourselves to His holy presence, open our heart to His probing and listen with our inner, spiritual ear in the private sanctuary of our spirit -- that place reserved just for you and God. The place where there are no lists, no worries, no pressure, and no oughts. The only thoughts we have are clear directives that are totally Spirit led; and, when acted upon, will bear much fruit for the kingdom of God.

As we perfect the art of being fully and calmly aware of God’s presence within, we carry that awareness with us even as we live life at a full sprint. The object, however, is to simplify our lives at the same time that we abide in His presence.

Rather than working for God, we allow Him to work in and through us. We cut out everything in our lives that is not absolutely relevant. We stop any activity that is sinful. We empty ourselves of all of our inner clutter until we are totally void and empty enough to be totally filled with all the fullness of God. This takes time, effort and commitment.

During the day, when you feel your peace leave, stop! Go to a quiet place and focus your attention on your spirit, your body and your soul ~ your mind, will and emotions. Concentrate on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2), relax and talk to God like you do to your best friend.

Journaling is a great way to hear from God. Sit down, prop up your feet and bask in His presence (Hebrews 4:10). Write down your questions, your needs, your concerns and your desires. Then sit quietly and listen. Allow God to conform you from the inside out. He will put a thought in your mind to answer your questions and to give you advice and wisdom.

Pray for wisdom to know if you can change the situation and how to change it. If you find that you can’t change the situation, ask God to show you how you should change your focus about the incident. Once you hear the answer from the Lord, then put the negative thoughts and circumstances in God’s capable hands, and focus on the positive aspects He shows you.

Habakkuk recognized God’s voice speaking to him (Habakkuk. 2:2). Elijah expressed His voice as still and small (I Kings 19:12). Sometimes He uses the words to a song, a sentence in a book, a Bible verse, or a comment you hear from another person or on the radio or TV to speak to us. At other times, a friend will confide in you and when God gives you wisdom for them, it will apply to your life as well.

Lord Jesus, in the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and in the Jewish Temple, there was a great wall of fabric that separated God’s presence from the people. When You died on the cross, that wall was torn from the top down to the bottom. God rent that veil to show that Your death opened up His presence to us all. (Luke. 23:45; Hebrews 10:19-22). Remind us to take advantage of this and to spend time in Your presence.

Thought for the Day:
Be still, and know that He is God. - Psalm 46:10