Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Joy Set Before Him

Read: Genesis 29:15-29

“So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.” Genesis 29:20 NKJV

In a world of sure uncertainty and increasingly threatening peril right in my own backyard, courage and peace often elude me. Although Paul promises these trials are simply "light and momentary afflictions" (2 Corinthians 4:17), they feel heavy and insurmountable to me while I am experiencing them. I try focusing on eternal promises rather than on my current issue, but sometimes I struggle to walk in hope.

According to Genesis 29:20, Jacob had more faith than I do. He was able to fix his attention on the prize, rather than on the process. He worked seven years to earn Rachel for his wife. Instead of focusing on the time and labor ahead of him, he allowed their love to comfort him. The promise of his true love gave Jacob the optimism and consolation, which he needed to persist through the pain and burden of the years of hard labor. This made fourteen years pass like days.

I love this verse. What an amazing love story we have here with Jacob and Rachel. In the rest of the Biblical account of their life together, and even after death, their love persisted. Jacob preferred the children he fathered with Rachel to his children by Leah and their concubines. His desolation at Joseph’s demise almost killed him, but Benjamin came along to console him during his later years without his beloved. Seeing Joseph again in Egypt brought him great comfort and joy. It renewed his feeling of pure love, since Rachel died in childbirth with Benjamin. 

Jesus also gave us an example of how to endure tragedy, when He faced the prospect of his daunting death on Calvary’s Cross. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He wrestled with the horrific torture he would face that very night (Luke 22: 41-44). He eventually surrendered His will to His Father’s and focused on the glory set before Him in Heaven, rather than considering the coming pain of the process of His death. Once He did, God sent an angel to strengthen Him.

Today, God promises all mankind the gift of a personal, eternal relationship with beloved Son. The love Jesus has for each one of us rivals the love story between Rachel and Jacob. It starts the moment we turn away from our sins and ask Him to save us. He moves in by His Holy Spirit and resides within us, giving us heaven on earth. The Spirit starts working in our lives – manifesting His fruit in our thoughts, words and deeds (Galatians 5:22-23). His love makes it easier for us to lay aside our fears, foibles and temptations and to look forward to His eternal promises instead. 

Lord, thank you for loving us, even when our faith fails us. Help us to focus on the joy that You set before us. Remind us that You have a higher purpose for all of our days and that You work out even the negative things in our lives for our good (Romans 8:28).

Thought for The Day:
God jealously wants you all to Himself. He longs to draw you into His loving embrace and to live within you throughout your lifetime.