God "wants all men to
be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." - 1 Timothy 2:4
Did you ever notice that
when the economy of a nation is thriving and the people have few unmet needs,
they are content and see little desire for a relationship with God? This
happened in Amos’s day too. God chose Amos to preach a message to the house of
Joseph (Amos 5:6). God was calling His people to return to Him. They had
wandered far from His presence and exhibited no appetite for a life of
worshipping the Lord.
God urged people then and he
still instructs us now to “…call on the name of the Lord and be saved"
(Joel 2:32). He does not want anyone to perish, but for everyone to come to
repentance (2 Peter 3:9). However, most people harden their heart when they
hear His voice (Hebrews 3:7-8). They want to retain control of their life and
they see no need to trust in a higher power. With all of their efforts, they
have no idea just how puny and insignificant their contribution to society
really is. They seek pleasure only for the moment and overwork themselves in
order to have more than their neighbors.
God's Word is so readily available that most people take it for granted. We are lulled to sleep by Satan’s deception and the world’s lure, as well as the lusts of our flesh, which follows hard after them. Our only hope is to shake off the shroud of complacency, stop taking God’s blessings for granted and start reading His Word with an avid appetite that is never satiated. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness (Matthew 5:6) will lead us to a closer walk with the Lord and an eternal destiny in heaven.
Lord Jesus, help us to keep
our eyes focused on Your kingdom rather than on the kingdoms of this world.
Help us to remember that You are the source of every good and perfect gift; and
that by serving You, we are guaranteed a place in your presence both now and
Thought for the Day:
eternal destiny is not the result of chance, but of our choices.