Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jesus As My Center

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” – 2 Corinthians 4:18

When we take stock of the priorities in our life, we often find them out of order. We are tired, depressed, irritable and stressed out because we are majoring on minors in our life. We assign too much importance to certain activities and people that need to be lowered on our list of priorities. There are many verses in the Bible where Jesus tells us to seek first His Kingdom, to love Him with all of our heart, to die daily, to lay our life down for our church family. God does not give us Biblical mandates such as these for His benefit, but for ours.

God knows that as humans, we tend to take the road of least resistance. If we do not commit to putting God first on our list of priorities, we may slide away from living a spirit-filled life and settle for a carnal, fleshly existence. Even worse, we may slide into sinful behaviors, which will rob us of our righteousness, peace and joy. God knows that if we compromise our values, we will not reap the benefits He has for us both in Heaven and here on earth. Jesus loved us enough to die the horrendous death on Calvary’s cross for us, the least we can do for Him is to give Him first place in our life.

Jesus does not demand all of our attention, just the first portion. He wants to reign as King in our life. Putting Him first does not mean that you have to get up early enough to have a morning devotion. The priority is to have a devotion time, no matter what time of the day you have it. Evening, morning or even the lunch hour is a good time to focus your time and attention on God, as long as it is in a quiet place at work, home or in nature.

Well, you know He is not in first place if you share that top spot with anyone or anything else; or if our calendar and checkbook have more notations for worldly events and giving than spiritual ones (Luke 12:34, Matthew 6:21); or if we have something come up during regular times of worship or Bible study and we do not choose worship over that person or event. In the conflict of priorities, a spirit-filled person always chooses God first.

Take an honest look at your financial spending and your time. Evaluate where most of your time and money are spent. That is your priority. Once you consider the depth of God’s love for you, the vision of where you want to spend eternity, the quality of life you want to enjoy here on earth, and your intensifying desire to be one with God’s Spirit, you will realize that your priorities definitely make a difference. Rearrange your priorities so that your goals are the ones God has for you. This realignment may need readjustments often, because the stresses of life often push us off course.

Start by acknowledging your need for Jesus as your Savior, answer His call on your life, desire to grow in your knowledge of and relationship with God each and every day, and make Him your number one priority. God planned our birth and life for His glory (Revelation 4:11). He purchased us with Jesus’ blood and our life now belongs to Him (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). He wants to have first place in our life (Exodus 20:3). Putting God first does not negate our responsibilities to our family, job, church and our own needs; it simply means that we prioritize all of these things in relation to God as our first priority.

God desires that we care for our bodies, because it is the temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). He states that those who do not care for their own family are worse than barbarians (1 Timothy 5:8). The Bible tells us to obey those in government and business who have rule over us (Hebrews 13:17). When we put God first, everything else lines up in order. You cannot have any relationship without spending intimate time developing it. Developing our relationship with God gives us the energy to care for our body, our family, our ministries at church and the duties at work (Philippians 2:1-8).

Lord Jesus, help us to prioritize our thoughts, words and action. Remind us to spend time with You through Bible reading; times of concentrated prayer in which we not only talk, but also take time to listen; corporate and private times of worship and Bible study; following the leading of Your Holy Spirit throughout our day, and doing only those things which He inspires us to do; putting God’s work first in our calendar and finances; and rejecting any thought, word or deed that is contrary to the nature and commandments of our Father God. Help us to realign our priorities by making a list of our current priorities and praying about God’s will for each moment of our time. We know that true peace and freedom only come when we develop a submissive attitude to the will of God for our life.

Thought for the Day:
Those who surrender their will to God’s will are the most fulfilled and blessed people on the planet.