Saturday, November 24, 2012

Finding a Balance

Read: James 1:2-4

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” - Hebrews 12:2

A ball spinning on a seal’s nose and a child’s twirling toy top have little in common except that both of their performances require balance. This reminds me of the fact that life also requires a balancing act. We often find ourselves thrown off center by confusion and catastrophe, which come when we least expect it. Our normal peaceful life spins out of control, just like the top and the ball, if they are disturbed. Each compartment of our life, which we meticulously created to provide us with security and a safe haven, suddenly tilts to one side like the Tower of Pisa.

We get disoriented and feel insecure and fearful. Reacting with negative emotions can create even more problems, because we panic and make poor decisions. We hectically, yet unsuccessfully, try to manage the disruptive people and events in our life in an attempt to make us feel safe again. But this never helps. In fact, it usually increases our anxiety, when these people react to the frustration we create in their lives.

Part of the problem occurs when we acquire more possessions than we need. Our life slowly sinks under a burden of stress created by trying to pay for this accumulation. Another factor comes if we lean toward making sinful decisions, because we end up reaping what we sow. A third aspect occurs when we tilt under the weight of the demands, which others place on our life.

So, what is the solution? We owe it to our self to simplify our life. We accomplish this in many different ways. We can sell off some of our accumulated goods and discipline our spending habits. We can make wise choices and maintain an unadulterated life of purity and serenity. We can also find a balance between what people need from us and what God wants us to do for them. Matthew 6:25-34 reminds us that worry never helped anyone. Peace comes only by trusting God to order our lives according to His will. He generously provides all of our necessities, even when life disintegrates before our eyes, if we will walk in obedience to His Spirit.

James exhorts us to keep a positive attitude throughout difficulties and temptations. He tells us that in this way our patience has a chance to grow. Then, patience gets us ready for anything life throws at us (James 1:2-4). Adversity develops strong character in us, which helps us to withstand the disheartening uncertainty of life and to ward off the eventual panic when it arises.

Paul admonishes us, in Hebrews 12:2, to keep our eyes on Jesus. By following the examples from Jesus’ life, we learn how to successfully live our own life. He prayed before beginning each day of ministry (Mark 1:35). He lived in the moment and did not worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:33-35). Jesus listened to His Father and followed His will in every word and deed. His focus stayed on God’s kingdom rather than on amassing worldly goods and fame. Ultimately, He humbled Himself, even to the point of death on the cross.

Lord Jesus, as we walk the tightrope of life, help us to focus on the equilibrium You achieve within each moment that we live, rather than focusing on the spinning details of our negative circumstances. Life wavers like the ocean, with a continuous ebb and flow, but You gave us the words of the prayer that never fails: "Father, not my will, but yours be done." (Luke 22:42-43)

Thought for the Day:
When we trust God more and strive less, serenity seeps into every area of our life, no matter how the circumstances play out around us.