Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Truth and Consequences

Read: Galatians 6:7-8

“The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” - Galatians 6:8

God created human beings to live a life of worship and to fellowship with Him (Matthew 28:20). He originally gave us Paradise to enjoy, and He wanted us to live there eternally. However, as willful humans, we reject God and we choose to live life according to what feels right to each individual heart. The problem with this tactic is that the human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. It is actually worse than we could ever even imagine (Jeremiah 17:9). Yet, we choose to allow this sinful heart to dictate what we do with our life.

Satan manipulated the idea of being like God to tempt Adam and Eve. Over the years, Satan continues using very successful substitutes for faith in Christ to draw people away from enjoying eternity with God. He deceives countless people into rejecting Christ, motivating them to embrace surrogate theories, philosophies, practices or cultures in some form or fashion. Most of these alternate viewpoints emphasize that each individual is empowered to achieve their own salvation. They place an accent on the individual’s need to work for salvation and they readily appeal to the humanistic mind. 

Some of the “religions” that Satan invented to appeal to mankind’s spiritual side and to detour them from filling the void in their life with Jesus Christ are: Spiritualism, Gnosticism, Polytheism, Pantheism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Theosophy, which is a combination of Pantheism and Gnosticism, Baha’i, Mormonism, Unitarian/Universalism and the other cults, as well as the New Age movement, which tries to incorporate all of these beliefs under one umbrella. There are also the Jewish and Islam religions, which draw many people into their fold, even if they were not born into them.

All of these spiritual movements head the list of Satan’s deviations. They entrap humanity and steer them away from the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ and the wisdom of God’s Word (Romans 8:6). There is a remnant, however, of authentic Christian Believers, which do not participate in these replacement practices that are pagan in origin, and which deny the deity of Christ and the unity of the Trinity as one God. We recognize Jesus as the maker of the heavens, the earth and everything that exists in them. God’s Biblical truth is our only guide for our faith and practice (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Peter 1:14-16).

After mankind’s fall in Paradise, and to insure our eternal security, God became man and lived among us. Even so, most people who knew Jesus hated Him, did not believe that He was God and ended up crucifying Him. Although, Jesus only lived on earth for a short time, He left us the Bible to promote the strength of our beliefs and to give power to our convictions. By His Spirit, He remains in us forever (Hebrews 13:5). The Spirit of God is eternal and is the power of the Almighty. He came in order to give us revelation, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, power, comfort and truth (Matthew 10:20; Genesis 1:2; 1 Corinthians 2:11; Job 33:4; Galatians 4:6; Hebrews 9:14; Ephesians 1:17; Isaiah 11:2; John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; Luke 1:35). No matter where we go, what we do or what situation we end up in, God is always right there with us (Psalm 139:8-10).

Father God, Your presence is available within every Believer. We fellowship with You and worship You with all of our spirit, body and soul – mind, will and emotions. Remind us to pray without ceasing as we keep a listening ear intent on hearing Your directions, as we listen to and follow after Your Spirit moment by moment throughout the day. We dedicate our every thought, word and deed to Your glory.

Thought for the Day:
Even in the most mundane of tasks, such as cleaning the house, going to work or carpooling the children, God’s Spirit helps us to live in such a way that we bring honor and glory to God all the days of our life.