Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Human Beings - Part One

I love being a Human Being!  Ever since I learned that some tribes of Native American Indians refer to themselves as, "The Human Beings," I have been enthralled with the depth of what it really means to be a Human Being. Recently, while reading in Colossians, I saw a series of things God wants from us as Human Be-ings. 

Everything that God requires us to do, leads us to function from a place of rest and peace. So often we try to be Human DO-ings.  We are so caught up in living life that we forget to just BE alive. Our goal as Human Be-ings is to be fully pleasing to the Lord (Ephesians 5:10).  How do we accomplish this goal?  By "being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God" (Colossians 1:10). The Holy Spirit, the third aspect of God as the Trinity, comes to dwell in us at Salvation, bringing with Him all the fullness of God. His fruit are part of the benefit we receive as Christians (Galatians 5:22-23). 

Before we can walk in this fruitfulness that pleases God, we need to be strengthened by God’s Spirit (Colossians 1:11). God works in us, giving us both the desire and the power to work out our own salvation according to His good purpose (Philippians 2:12-13). I can guarantee that if you are not in a trial right now, or if you are not just coming out of one, then you will be going into one in the very near future!!! We cannot reach the mountaintop without first going through the valley. But God promises to strengthen us with peace, patience, and joy no matter what circumstance currently occupies our time.

The Bible instructs us to give thanks in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18; Colossians 1:12). It exhorts us "not to be anxious about any trial we experience, but in everything, through prayer and with thanksgiving, to present our requests to God (Philippians 4:6). The Bible calls it a cheerful heart.  But have you ever tried to be cheerful without first being grateful? An attitude of GRATITUDE is the key to the Christian walk. God calls us to give thanks in every circumstance regardless of how bad it is.

The next time you are in the pit of despair: count your blessings. Start with the letter "A" of the alphabet.  Think of a word that starts with "A" for which you can be thankful. Then go to "B" and thank God for bananas, or boats, or balloons. Be thankful right through the alphabet until you either fall asleep (a trick which Satan often uses when he thinks we are giving God too much of our attention), or until you reach the letter "Z." (To Be Continued)

Lord Jesus, teach us to rest in you and to wait on Your Spirit’s direction for each new day. Help us to realize that our human effort is just that…effort; yet, when we live the unique plan You prepared for us we succeed in every way. Help us to be grateful to You for what you give us each day and to trust that You will fill our tomorrows with every good and perfect gift as well.

Thought for the Day:
Be the person God created you to be, rather than a copy of someone else.