Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Meaning of Life

Life is baffling at times. Issues occur that we cannot resolve. Incidents happen that come out of nowhere. We try to wrap our head around the reason for these events, but our human understanding fails us. Even world events are spinning out of control. Record-breaking natural disasters, wars, senseless random killings, legislation that enrages half of society all create wounds that fester in our soul and sometimes even in our body, if we focus too closely on the chaos.

Only as children of the God who created the universe can we hang on to hope in these troubled times (Psalm 31:24, 36:6). Jesus Christ sacrificed His life to give us eternal life that starts the moment we realize that we are sinners and we ask Him to save us (John 3:16-18). He exchanges His righteousness for our sins and gives us the right to become children of the Living God (John 1:12; Romans 8:14). He is not limited by human standards or abilities. He does not dwell in time and is not confined by space or matter. His ways are so much greater and wiser than ours (Isaiah 55:9). In Him lies our hope eternal (Titus 1:2).

As we read the Old Testament, we see His actions throughout history and we come to understand that He is righteous and just, as well as loving and caring. The New Testament gives us a guideline for our faith, thoughts, words and actions. As we surrender our body, soul and spirit to God, He will slowly reveal to us His will and His ways. Reading His Word, listening to sermons, fellowshipping with other Believers, praising Him continually and praying without ceasing allows us to establish a relationship with Him that fills our life with all of His fullness. God disciplines His children and draws us ever closer to His heart. We also see His reasons more vividly, and we better understand why He allows these puzzling things to occur on the earth.

His presence in our life is vital to our survival during the coming end time developments (Psalm 73:25). If we pursue materialistic covetousness and worldly status, we will be disappointed; but as we realize that He is our all sufficiency in good times and bad, then we have hope. Nothing the world has to offer can give us this hope (John 16:33). In His presence we come to understand the reasoning behind the events in our life and in the earth around us. In the climate of today’s world, we see that Satan is making his final efforts to win society over to his way of thinking and to claim as many lives as he can to experience eternal destruction with him.

However, God offers hope to those who have the courage to believe that Jesus is God who came in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9). Although He suffered as a man, with all the limitations we suffer as humans, He rose as the eternal Savior for everyone who will surrender their life to His will for them. The day will come when the whole world will see who He really is. At just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God, who is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. All honor and power will be given to Him (1 Timothy 6:15-16), and we will come with Him and live with Him forever (1 Thessalonians 3:13; Jude 1:14).

Living Lord, teach us to open our eyes and ears to detect the longing in the hearts of those around us; so that we can share with them the saving knowledge of Your love
(John 3:16-18). Help us to embrace this life with loose arms, but to cling to eternity with a deep yearning. We know that life after death is of vital importance to the reality we live with in our daily life right now. Help us to live our life in light of eternity and to walk toward perfection with our every thought, word and deed.

Thought for the Day:
The meaning of our life is what every individual chooses it to be; but only those who choose to trust in Christ will live life fully and enjoy it for eternity.