Saturday, March 10, 2018

A Place of Grace

Close-up of Cactus

Human beings find it hard to let go of the anger, bitterness and the desire for revenge, which we harbor against those who hurt us. In actuality, we dream up all sorts of calamities, which we hope our oppressors will fall into, as we grin with delight.

Somehow, withholding forgiveness makes our wounds easier to handle. We think that we are punishing our offender by refusing to forgive them. However, the bitterness that grows out of unforgiveness is a poisonous root that  our body, soul and spirit (Hebrews 12:15).

If we choose to entertain resentment instead of forgiving our offender, bitterness will corrupt our whole life. Paul exhorts us to get rid of all bitterness (Ephesians 4:31). God knows exactly how to serve up vengeance on our tormentors (Deuteronomy 32:35-36).

The truth is that God cannot forgive us if we do not first forgive others (Mark 11:26). If we do not ask forgiveness from those whom we offend or wound, this is equally as serious (Matthew 5:24).

However, when we understand eternity, the concerns of this life lose their intensity and value. We live in a place of grace, realizing that we are as flawed as anyone else. We are not perfect and we wound others as well.

This concept makes it so much easier to forgive those who hurt us. Also, aspects of this life, which used to mean so much to us, have no more attraction for us and our values change from carnal to spiritual.

We lose our need to harbor unforgiveness toward others. We prefer the blessings of forgiveness instead. As we focus on eternal matters, we rejoice without ceasing because of God’s salvation and His multitude of blessings in our life. 

We exchange our plan for our life with God’s plans for us. This change in our mindset provides us with fulfillment, which we would never experience without complete surrender to God’s will. 

Father God, we learn to count our self blessed, because of Your intervention in our life. You save us from so much hardship that people will suffer, if they do not have You in their life. Our slate of sin is wiped clean, because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

We are so happy to get a fresh start each new morning, to find freedom from the tyranny of sin and to walk in walk in Your ways. We want to forgive others, so that You can forgive us. You hold nothing against us, and we hold nothing back from You (Psalm 32:1-2).

Thought for the Day:
Some people die with a bitter soul, having never tasted the goodness of the Lord. – Job 21:25.