Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Relying on God's Spirit

Black and White Butterfly on Red Flower

Since we are born into this world in the fleshly realm, we grow up depending on our body and soul to interpret for us the meaning of life's circumstances. We end up making carnal decisions due to our dependence on our human reasoning.

Many of us grow up in an environment of criticism, shame and belittlement. Our sense of self-worth is buried in the pits of despair, and we never feel good enough. We enter adulthood adopting as our own the opinion of us held by the peers and adults in our life.

We critically judge our self by unrealistic standards and carry that over into our relationships with other people. This stems from hurt, anger, bitterness and resentment that increased as we experienced more and more pain and trauma during our lifetime on this sin-cursed planet.

We embarrass our self by our peculiarities and we feel frustrated with our thoughts, attitude and behavior; therefore, we attempt to reinvent our personality to mirror that of people whom we respect and admire.

We struggle with depression and we lack passion and enthusiasm. We are often overcome with panic attacks caused by anxiety over not measuring up to the results expected of us. We end up speaking and acting in ways that we do not understand (Romans 7:15, 24).

Some of us pursue ambitious goals rather than personal relationships.  Others neglect our health, eat on the run, and put exercise on the back burner to think about at a later date and time.

We desire more than anything to belong, to feel loved, and to fit in to a family or group of people who share like-minded ideals. Only in Christ will we ever find our fulfillment as part of the Kingdom and family of God.

We may look in other places to find gratification, and fool our self into believing we are content and happy; but we always have that emptiness deep within our soul that haunts our steps and colors our opinion of our self and others, until we totally surrender to our King Jesus.

Father God, once we submit to Your love for us, we lose much of our depression, self-condemnation and criticism. You enable us to feel that, in Christ, we are enough. You have a plan for our life; and as we walk in it, we find love, peace, joy and fulfillment that is not available from any other place on this earth.

We start our journey by admitting that we are a sinner in need of a Savior, continue by believing that Jesus is our only Savior, and then finally committing our life to walk in Your ways and according to Your will for our life. We revel in Your love, see Your hand in the midst of our circumstances, and trust in You to work out everything for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

Thought for the Day:
Living by, walking in and depending on the Spirit of God takes discipline, discernment and a personal relationship with our living Savior; but is the most fulfilling and joy-filled life available to us on this earth.