Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Truth and Encouragement in God's Word

clouds, cold, dark

Reading and knowing the Word of God helps us to traverse the path of life with peace, joy and security. It teaches us who God is, and who we are in Him.

Jesus is not only in us by His Spirit, but He is also with us. He also works in us and through us to reach the lost and dying world around us.

God's Word enables us to discern the difference between God's Truth and false prophets. It also teaches about the Feast Days of the Israeli nation, which symbolize the life of Christ in our life.

For instance, the Spring Feast Days are the Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread, and Pentecost. Fall Feast Days are the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, The Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles

Each Feast is a celebration of a momentous time in Israel's relationship with the God of their Fathers; and they also epitomize an important time in the life of every Born Again Believer.

The Spring Feasts are related to the First Coming of Jesus Christ. The Fall Feasts alert us to the Second Coming of Jesus along with the last days and millennium, as well as the resurrection life available to us now and for eternity.

God's Word also teaches us how to trust in God and to establish an intimate relationship with the entire Trinity of God. It gives us tips on how to avoid the degradation of sin and to trade the lies of Satan with the Truth in Jesus Christ.

Father God, thank You for not leaving us alone on this earth without a guidebook to direct each step that we take. As we live in the moment, according to the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, we find fulfillment and success in this sin-cursed world (Galatians 5:15-25). All it takes to share our testimony with others is a short three-minute synopsis of what You personally have done in our life.

Help us to further Your Kingdom on the earth during our lifetime as we follow Your directives and the wisdom in Your Word. Enable us to share Your Word with interested people in our life, so that we can fulfill Your mandate to preach the Gospel in season and out of season, when it is popular and when it is not, when we are nervous or if we are confident by the direction of Your Holy Spirit.

Thought for the Day:
As we abide in God's Word, we will know the truth, which will truly set us free from the bondage of Satan and the degradation of sin. 
- John 8:31-32