Sunday, March 11, 2018

Free from Sin's Bondage

Red Rose With Clear Drop Waters

Jesus stated in a parable that the Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that a woman mixed into a large bowl of flour until it is worked all through the dough. He points out that the leaven permeates every square inch of the dough.

Jesus also reminded the disciples at the Last Supper that He was offering His body as unleavened bread – a sinless offering for the atonement of our sins (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24).

Then, He mentions that we should beware of the leaven in the teachings of false prophets (Matthew 6:11-12; Galatians 5:9). This allows preachers and teachers to take verses out of context, isolate them and make a false doctrine out of them.

Paul exhorts us to get rid of the old "yeast" in our life by removing the deeds of the flesh within us (1 Corinthians 5:7-8). He specifically noted the leaven of malice and wickedness.

Then he contrasted the bread without leaven, as the bread of sincerity and truth. He encourages us to live like a fresh batch of dough made without yeast - unleavened bread – without sin.

Yeast is good for bread when you want it to rise. However, it is a negative aspect when we relate the leaven to sin in our life. We do not want sin to permeate every square inch of our soul (Matthew 13:33-34).

If we live one moment at a time with our focus on Jesus and not on the circumstances and people around us (Isaiah 26:3), we can actually live free of sin's bondage for our entire lifetime.

Lord Jesus the type and shadow in the Old Testament that relates to actual events in the New Testament is amazing. Thank You for giving us confirmation of everything You anointed the authors to write.

Help us to live without the leaven of sin in our life. Remind us to sweep even the corners of our soul and flesh to remove the most infinitesimal sin from our life. We want to give You all of the honor and glory in everything we think, say and do.

Thought for the Day:
Jesus, our Passover Lamb, sacrificed His life for our sins (Romans 3:25; 1 Peter 1:19); therefore, the least we can do for Him is to make a clean sweep of all unrighteousness within our body and soul, in order to give the Holy Spirit a clean Temple, unspotted by the corruption of sin in our life, in which to dwell.