Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Devil Made Me Do It

stock photo, nature, nobody, outdoors, field, flower, petal, plant, fragility, growth, sun, cloud, sky, dusk, horizon-over-land, sunset, tranquil-scene, yellow, landscape, orange, natural-world, summer, sunrise, helianthus-annuus, sunflower, clouds, many, earth, flowers, land, botany, amazing, spectacular, sunflowers, sunsets, golden-hour

The Apostle Peter reminds us that Satan is not some cartoon character that has no power of persuasion. The truth is that the devil actually roams around on the earth looking for ways to make God's people fall into sin.

Peter also exhorts us to be alert and to take the devil's threat seriously (2 Corinthians 11:14; 1 Peter 5:8). My son was put into a compromising situation during a time when he was very vulnerable and disheartened.

He ended up giving in to Satan's temptation to indulge his flesh. He sinned against God, himself and his family. As a result he lost his home, family, integrity, moral testimony, and standing in his church community.

Thankfully, God's grace is restoring His blessings to my son little by little, but it is a long and frustrating road to travel as he reaps the consequences of falling into Satan's trap.

Another trick of the devil is to dredge up issues from our past - discouraging words spoken to us, negative experiences we survived, etc. - and Satan throws them up into our face time and time again to shame and depress us.

Satan whispers lies that run over and over in our mind until we exorcize them by the power of God's Word and Spirit. Our time of concentrated prayer allows God to reveal these lies to us, as well as God's truth that expels them from our memory and diminishes their effect in our life. (

Another ploy that the devil uses is to put ideas into our head that we think are ours. We often blindly follow them, and we reap the dire consequences of disobeying God (1 Chronicles 21:1).

God's forgiveness is immediate when we repent of our wayward ways, but we often end up reaping, for years to come, the price of what we sowed. God's Word is full of encouraging truth for us, and we are only secure in the center of God's Will. 
- Proverbs 14:26

Father God, if we seek You for the root cause of our negative emotions, You always give us the wisdom and discernment to recognize Satan's lies in our life. Help us to walk in the Spirit (Romans 5:15-25), to keep guard over our soul (Mark 8:35-36; 1 Peter 2:24-25; Proverbs 4:23), and to live in the center of Your will for us. If we draw near to You and resist the devil, he has to flee from us (James 4:7).

We believe in You and we surrender our life to You. You are always available to help us during our times of unbelief (Mark 9:24). We want to advance Your Kingdom on this earth and to serve You faithfully, until You return or until You bring us through the portal of death into Your presence. We look forward to receiving our eternal reward in Your eternal Kingdom.

Thought for the Day:
We are overcomers - Romans 8:37
We are good enough - 1 Corinthians 6:11
We have wisdom and intelligence - 
       1 Corinthians 2:16
We are acceptable - 2 Corinthians 3:5
We are chosen - Ephesians 1:42
We are forgiven and have no condemnation -            Romans 8:1-2; 1 John 1:9
We are children of our Father and co-heirs with          King Jesus - John 1:12; 1 John 3:1; 
      Romans 8:17