Sunday, March 4, 2018

Wedded to the Enemy

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One of Satan's chief tactics to destroy marriages, families, churches and the community is to convince couples that their mate is the enemy. He influences our thoughts with his lies, blowing things out of proportion.

We overreact to what our spouse says and/or does, and we drive a wedge between us with unbridled emotions and thoughtless words. This small incision in the fabric of our relationship tears a huge gap in our long term connection.

This breach grows wider when new hurts are added. Disagreements and unresolved conflicts rend us apart - physically, emotionally and mentally.

Losing respect for our mate, we mumble insults under our breath, spend less and less time with each other, and eventually publically humiliate one another with criticism and disparaging remarks.

The devil uses today's culture and morals and media to encourage this behavior and mental attitude. Rather than relate to each other, we ignore each other or communicate with snide remarks and unveiled criticism.

The feeling of love, which drew us together wanes and eventually disappears. We fight incessantly or live in deadly quiet, ignoring one another and living isolated lives with separate bedrooms, opposing goals and differing viewpoints.

We may even decide to look elsewhere for fulfillment, not realizing that we all come with baggage and that none of us are perfect. We are all human with idiosyncrasies' that must be forgiven and healed.

There is a real, and easy remedy for this demonic masterplan. Total surrender to Christ in us will eliminate most of the problems, walking by His Spirit's direction takes the anger out of our attitude and behavior, and viewing our mate as our ally and best friend will help us see each other in a new light.

Our respect for each other steadily grows, we learn to appreciate our mate's strong points and to cherish each other's place in our life. We learn to work together, to make mutually acceptable decisions, and to prefer one another above our self-centered lifestyle.

Father God, You promise to make the crooked places straight (Isaiah 45:2) and to lead us in a level path because of our enemies (Psalm 27:11). Satan and his scheme to destroy those whom You join together (Mark 10:9), have no power when we shine Your light in the dark recesses that he manufactures.

Teach us discernment and give us Your wisdom in whom to marry and how to live together in harmony. Give us a forgiving heart and help us to realize that we are just as flawed and broken as our mate. Let us develop mercy and grace toward one another's foibles and help us to love each other anyway.

Thought for the Day:
Giving rather than always receiving becomes a way of life as we find mutual interests again, and plan occasions to spend quality time together gazing into one another's smiling eyes and caring about our mate's fears and goals, while we celebrate each other's successes.