Thursday, August 9, 2018

Lacking Nothing

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Patience is a hard virtue to master. Humans are taught to feel impatient because of our instant society. Everything we need is basically immediately served to us.

We are impatient at home, work, school, church, etc. We have no idea what the Bible means when it tells us to persevere in prayer and in life. This takes persistence that will eventually have its work of perfecting us, so that we lack nothing (James 1:4-8).

It is only when we patiently stand the test of time that we will inherit the Heavenly crown of Life that God promises to those who love Him (James 1:12). Our joy increases incrementally and we watch as our faith and peace grows.

We earn blessings and rewards when we persevere and trust God during our tribulation. Christ in us gives us His peace and wisdom through every trial.

As we see in the life of Job, no trial can assail us that is not allowed by God's unconditional love. He uses trials for the purpose of drawing us closer to His presence within us, as we snuggle under the shelter of His wings.

God is our strength, our shield, and our strong tower. He fills our heart with His peace and joy in every daunting situation. We can trust Him with our whole heart (Psalm 28:7).

Our faith in God's faithfulness increases every time we patiently wait on His timing and way. We see without a doubt that He has a perfect plan for us in His grand scheme of things.

We cling to Him with tired hands and shaky legs until He helps our unbelief and enables us to stand firmly on our solid rock of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:12, 1 Corinthians 10:4).

The secret is to depend on His strength in our trials, rather than on our human resources. We can accomplish infinitely more good works and bear much more fruit if we walk in the Spirit and live in the center of God's will.

Father God, help us to cling to You each moment of every day and night until our trust in You and reliance on You becomes a daily habit (Proverbs 3:5-6). We want to have patience to wait on You and to see our salvation come through the blessings from Your hand (2 Chronicles 20:17).

Use our growing patience to lead others to faith in You, so that they can experience for themselves Your goodness and blessings that You reserve only for Your children. We look forward to spending eternity with You, and we wait for You to take us Home to Heaven at Your earliest convenience.

Thought for the Day:
Patience enables us to experience life without the stress and anxiety that normally accompany our trials and triumphs.