Saturday, August 18, 2018

Recovering from Abuse - Part 3

Yellow Sunflower Field

In today's society we all experience pain, which causes negative residual effects on our life. This is due to the fact that our subconscious stores every thought, word or deed that ever occurs.

Harmful images and memories fill our subliminal mind and haunt us, especially in our dreams. Our soul uses dreams to exorcise unwanted memories or unresolved issues in our past. The people, places and things in our dreams are symbols and clues to what our soul is attempting to communicate.

To heal from these issues, we simply need to bring them to God in persevering prayer. So, set aside an hour or more of time and get in a quiet place with a notebook and pen.

Take an inventory of any negative emotions plaguing your soul at this time and write them down with several lines in between. Then think about each emotion one at a time. What words or phrases accompany these emotions? Write them down in the lines next to that emotion.

These are lies from the devil that you believe as truth, and the keys to your healing. Now, pray about one emotion at a time. Ask God to speak His truth about each negative phrase. Write down what He tells you.

This may take time and some phrases may take longer than others to find the root source - sometimes several days/months of times of prayer may be necessary to do the spiritual warfare connected to these negative emotions and phrases.

Have patience, but You can skip the ones that seem deep rooted, or that cause a blank in your mind. Some other phrase may reveal the root of this one eventually. Just moving on to the next phrase may heal a previous one.

Having a prayer partner may facilitate your healing. Pick a spiritual person whom you trust to keep your confidences. One person praying can chase a thousand demons, but two put ten thousand to flight, because the Lord promises to be in their midst (Deuteronomy 32:30; Matthew 18:20).

God may reveal a hurtful image from your childhood or adult life. Angry, violent, fearful, emotional, abusive, intrusive and invasive images, thoughts, words or deeds may come to mind, but not necessarily.

All you really need for healing are the phrases connected to your negative emotions. As you read and concentrate on those phrases, what else comes to your mind? Other emotions? Other phrases? Write them down and take those to the Lord too.

Ask Jesus to reveal His truth to you about each one. He may show you a picture of Himself ministering to you in some way, or He may give you a Bible verse or just tell you some truth pertaining to this issue.

He is giving you the opportunity to believe His truth rather than Satan's lie, and to heal you from the residual effects of Satan's lies. Read the phrases connected to the negative emotions again. Do they still seem true?

Do you still feel the negative emotions, which plagued you when you started praying? If so, remain in prayer and allow God's Spirit to give you freedom from them, until they all diminish in intensity, and your soul is free from these negative emotions.

Now, allow negative emotions in the future to be red flags to warn you that there is a wound needing healing or an idol, over which you can repent and leave at Jesus feet. He will change your focus about that issue.

Father God, thank You for freeing us from the tyranny of sin and Satan's lies. Thank You for the liberty in which we walk, when all that occupies our mind is Your truth and Your living words from Your scripture.

We can never thank You enough for the redemptive work of Christ on the cross, which set us free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). We give You all the praise and glory for putting a smile on our lips and a song in our heart.

Thought for the Day:
Take moral, mental, physical, spiritual and emotional surveys each day to follow the steps outlined in this post, and gain freedom from tormenting negative emotions until all that remains are thoughts and emotions which are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy.

- Philippians 4:8