Monday, December 17, 2018

A New Perspective

Timelapse Photography of Wooden Bridge Near Body of Water

Sometimes life is so frustrating. Everything that could go wrong does go wrong. We are either in a trial, coming out of a trial, or about to go into a trial physically, relationally or financially. We have a hard time maintaining joy in our circumstances.

The best way to count all of our experiences as joyful ones (James 1:2-4) is to remember that God is still on His throne and that He loves us so much that He suffered persecution and death on our behalf.

There is nothing we will ever experience, even torture and martyrdom, which is worse than what Jesus went through for us. The God of heaven left His glory to come down to live on this sin-cursed earth for 33 whole years, just to pay the penalty for our sins.

Our perception about life is what determines our attitude. When we react with negative emotions, we only make matters worse. Adopting a positive attitude, regardless of how difficult our circumstance is, will better enable us to negotiate the issues.

Worry and stress are killers. They negatively affect our health and cause depression and anger to rule in our heart. We do not have to allow what happens to us to dictate how we feel about it.

We really can consider everything as a joyous opportunity, because God loves us, cares about us, and has a perfect plan for our life. However, God can do little to help us if we insist on maintaining a negative attitude.

I love to use the Serenity Prayer to direct my outlook. First, I pray for wisdom. Then, if I can change the issue, I ask for courage to do just that. However, if I cannot change it, I do not give it another thought, because I put it in God's capable hands.

In fact, I often go one step further. I bought a heart-shaped box and filled it with tiny pieces of paper. Now, when something continues to trouble my soul, I write it as a prayer on one of those pieces of paper.

When I am tempted to worry or stress over that issue again, I remind myself that I already put it in the heart of God, and He is perfectly capable of working it out for my good (Romans 8:28).

When He answers those prayers, I write the date on that piece of paper. That little heart-shaped box is a testimony of how God worked on my behalf. This helps to deepen my faith and to give me the joy of the Lord as my strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Father God, teach us to count our blessings; and to realize that everything, even the most negative of circumstances, is for our good. You have a perfect plan that includes the issues we are experiencing, and we can trust You implicitly to carry them out to completion for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

Help us to keep our focus on Your goodness, rather than on the issues that cause us worry or stress. As we keep our mind (Isaiah 26:3) focused on You and Your goodness and faithfulness, we will glide through life with a smile on our face and a song in our heart. We put our confidence in You and not in our abilities, so that we are never disappointed.

Thought for the Day:
God will enable us to be a peaceful and joyous example to others, as we live our life focused on Him and not on what we are experiencing, because we live by faith in His faithfulness.