Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Balance of Life

White and Black Butterfly on Red Flower

Our body, soul and spirit are interconnected. The health of one influences the health of the others. Negative habits, emotions and thoughts reflect in our facial expression, eyes and body language, as well as cripple our spirit and create diseases in our body and soul. 

Psycho-neuro-immunologists show us that molecules exhaled from our body during times of stress, unforgiveness and negative emotions prove that these adverse emotions damage our vital organs, and are even lethal.

Destructive thoughts and emotions shock our body and cause lesions in our nervous system, which interrupts our body's vitality. Repressing and denying our adverse feelings and thoughts simply bottle them up.

This causes the negative energy to attack and damage our body and soul. They also escape and add their fury to current emotions when we express our self during present situations.

Carbonation, chemicals and sugar are in many of our medication, drinks and food. These deplete most of the nutrients that our body needs to stay healthy. We are also allergic to some foods, and do not realize it.

Going on a medical diet: first a full detox diet and then an elimination diet - will give us a clue as to how our body reacts to various foods ( ). There are so many things that we eat and drink that are detrimental to our body; and therefore, to our soul and spirit as well.

We also deplete our energy by codependence and neglecting our self. We put everyone else first and ignore our own needs, hoping someone else will come along to care for us. We act like a martyr, and find our value in serving others rather than in walking in God's will.

When we weaken our expectations of joy in our life with negative attitudes and habits, we open the door for Satan to destroy us. God's Word tells us to do everything for God's glory, even in what we eat and drink, and to find joy in every experience (James 1:2-3; 1 Corinthians 10:31).

Father God, please remind us that You plant a seed for a miracle in every adverse situation that comes our way. In this world, we will have tribulation, but Christ abides in us, and He has already overcome this world (John 16:33). Help us to realize that we are not of this world, because our true home is really in heaven (John 17:16; Philippians 3:20).

We are no longer outsiders and refugees, aimlessly wandering on this earth; but we are joint heirs with Jesus and all of Your Saints, as well as members of Your Household (Romans 8:17; Ephesians 2:19). We do not want negative habits, hang-ups, thoughts and emotions to diminish our health, rob us of our relationships, and diminish our ability to serve You in this world. We look to You to teach us to walk in Your ways.

Thought for the Day:
Authentic Believers conduct our self in this world in a routine that is worthy of the gospel of Christ, setting our mind on spiritual, rather than carnal aspects; we can do this since we are already raised with Christ, have the mind of Christ, and no longer need to strive for things of this world, since we are seated with Jesus in Heavenly places at the right hand of God. '
- Philippians 1:27; Colossians 3:1-2