Sunday, December 9, 2018

Kingdom Thinking and Living

Rock Formation With Sunset Photo

God's Holy Spirit enables us to know an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father and Christ, His Son. The more intently we put the advancement of His Kingdom first in our life, the more fulfilled, content and joyful we remain (Matthew 6:33).

Adopting a heavenly mindset, we stop obsessing over the issues of life on this earth. We readily await the rapture of God's church or our ticket home from the Lord, whichever comes first, which helps us to focus on God's will for our life (Ephesians 2:10).

We use negative thoughts and emotions to discover what our spirit, soul and body are attempting to show us. Taking a searching inventory of our physical, emotional, spiritual and mental needs allows us to eradicate those pesky negative emotions that want to plague us.

Once we meet our needs, or turn them over to the Lord to provide for us in His time and way, our soul recovers, our body mends, and our spirit rejoices in the Lord (Psalm 23).

Then we are free to think about positive, worthwhile, wholesome, heavenly-minded thoughts (Philippians 4:8). We listen more than talk to God and other people, and we follow God's will for each moment of our day (Ephesians 2:10).

The indwelling Holy Spirit (John 15:26) perfects us from one stage of glory to the next by inspiring us to live righteously. He works into our personality the fruit of His Spirit, and He enables us to surrender our will to God's and to walk by His direction (Galatians 5:15-25; Romans 8:14).

He also guides our intercession for those on God's heart according to His will for them (Jude 1:20; Romans 8:27). The Spirit gave us life through Jesus' death on Calvary's cross, and He enables us to live in God's will moment by moment (John 3:6).

Father God, help us to yield to Your control and to follow Your Spirit's direction. Living in Your will is the happiest place on earth. Thank You for changing us and filling us with Your presence. We never want to grieve Your Spirit or cause You anguish in any way by our thoughts, words or deeds (Ephesians 4:30).

Thank You that Jesus fulfilled the law for us (Galatians 5:11), and gave us His righteousness in exchange for our sin (Galatians 5:5). We shed the shame, which Satan heaps on us, but we respond to the guilt that comes when we transgress the boundaries of Your will for us. We find comfort in Your arms, protection under Your wings, and mercy at Your throne in our times of need.

Thought for the Day:
When our ways please the Lord, even our enemies are at peace with us; we do not fear death, because our last breath on this side of heaven is immediately followed by our first breath of celestial air in Paradise.
- Proverbs 16:7; Galatians 5:16; Luke 23:39-43