Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Imposter

Pine Trees Under Blue Sky during Golden Hour

At Christmas every year, we are reminded that a virgin bore a son, Emanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23; Isaiah 7:14). God's whole purpose in begetting His son was to prepare a way for all of humanity to be saved from the penalty of our sin.

Sadly, the devil gradually changed the focus from the birth of Christ to the magic of Christmas, Christmas as a time of miracles, and the power of Santa Claus to know if we've been bad or good as he travels the world on Christmas Eve to deliver toys to the good children.

Children are encouraged to write a letter to Santa to express their wishes for gifts they want to receive. Satan gives children the illusion that Santa will supernaturally fly through the sky to their home to grant these requests. Yet, Santa is a fictional character.

Commercialism complicated the season by choosing certain toys as the most sought after item of the year. Parents go to great lengths to procure these coveted gifts for their children. They go into debt to give their children more than they received.

Little do we focus on the fact anymore that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). Our Messiah spent thirty-three years on this sin-cursed planet, and suffered a horrid persecution and crucifixion in our place. When did Santa do that?

St. Nick graciously gave gifts to those in his neighborhood, and the myth has perpetuated ever since. Rising to fame with alleged supernatural abilities that he never possessed, he replaced the true reason for the season: that God revealed Himself in human form so that we can spend eternity with Him forever.

Father God, forgive us for creating idols in our life and for lying to our children about Santa's supernatural powers, which cause many to doubt Your supernatural powers in our adult life. The world and the devil attempt to convince people to believe in Santa, and the miracles of Christmas; and to deny Your existence and the sacrifice You made for us. 

So many miss out on their union with Christ in us, because they are unaware of the miraculous truth that He dwells within anyone who believes. Help us to be light and salt in this world (Matthew 5:13-16), so that we can lift Jesus higher and enable You to draw everyone to believe in You instead (John 12:32). Thank You for coming as our Emanuel so that we can experience the depth of unity of our intimate relationship with You on a daily basis (Galatians 2:20).

Thought for the Day:
We live on this earth, but it is not we who live, but Christ who lives within us, empowering us as God's emissaries to our family, neighbors, community, country and the world; as we show Gods agape love to others, they may come to know God's love in their own life as well.