Monday, December 10, 2018

Victorious Over Trials

Landscape Photo of Mountain

Life in this sin-cursed world often brings us frustration, sadness, anxiety attacks and eventually even hopelessness. There is a key element that allows us to reign victoriously over any trial that our decisions, the devil, the world, or God throw at us.

Yes, God provides trials in our life as well. He does this to perfect our character, teach us to trust in Him alone, and to bring us into a more perfect union with Him. He encourages us to walk in His Spirit to avoid the trials, which we experience through our choices (Galatians 5:15-25).

Trials do not last forever. They have a beginning, but they also have an end. By pursuing a healthy lifestyle, we avoid many illnesses; by reading God's Word and worshipping with His Saints, we grow spiritually; by caring for our needs at the same time we bless others, we reap joy in our soul.

Each encounter with a negative situation transforms our life in some way. We can allow them to make us bitter or better. We can curse God or praise God through them (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Tough times make us stronger or they weaken us and damage our body, soul and spirit. It is our choice.

God gives us so many examples in His Word of how He used frail humans to do great things for His Kingdom. They all went through adversity, which made them resilient, and prepared them for God's future plans for them (Genesis 37-50). 

In truth, giving thanks to God in everything, under any circumstance and regardless of what trial or success that we are experiencing, is the secret to a victorious life (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). God has a peace-filled and joyous life planned for us even in the midst of stress and turmoil (Jeremiah 29:11).

Prayer:                                                          Father God, You knew us before You even formed us in our mother's womb; before we were born, you set us apart for service in Your Kingdom (Jeremiah 1:50). Your Spirit within us helps us to dispel Satan's lies that "we are not good enough", that "we will always mess things up", that "You do not really love us", etc.

Jesus' love took our humanity and nailed it to Calvary's cross, as He made a way to bring us into Your Kingdom and to freely give us all of His righteousness, peace and joy within us (Romans 14:17; Luke 17:21). Thank You for loving us enough to make a way for us to spend eternity with You, as well as every moment of our life on this earth through Your Spirit within us.

Thought for the Day:
Even when we feel rejected, abandoned, unloved and worthless, the truth is that God knows exactly who we are, where we are, what we need, and how to turn us around in a moment of time; God's love, wisdom and power infuse our life with faith, joy, peace and hope; and they mold an eternal mindset in us.