Saturday, December 15, 2018

Creativity is a Gift

Body of Water Surrounded by Green T

Creativity is a lost art in today's society. We copy and paste everything, rather than to create. We follow patterns developed by other people. Yet, our Heavenly Father is the Creator of the universe, and He abides within us.

God did not just make one type of person, cat, dog, flower, tree, mountain, bug, reptile, amphibian, etc. His creativity knows no bounds; and scientist constantly discover new species on this earth, and new stars and galaxies in the sky that He produced.

He created numerous kingdom, species, genus, phylum, class, order and family of them all. His unique creativity is evident in every sunset, snowflake, person, and the creatures and nature on land, and in the air and sea.

If we allow Creator God to flow through us, we experience delightful, engaging talents that we never even dreamed that we possessed. As we explore our curiosity about life, we are amazed at the limitless possibilities that are ours through Christ.

He also give us His wisdom, discernment, insight and revelation concerning aspects in our life that were once a giant puzzle to us. Christ in us compensates for our lack of human capacities (Philippians 4:13), and uses our innocence and prayers to enhance our life.

God never views us as lacking, and He helps us to excel in areas like art, music, crafts, sports, etc. His creativity lives through us. He prompts us to take an interest in other people, to help them to solve their problems, and to excel in their talents as well.

Humility and sincerity permit us to change our mind, attitude and heart about issues. We can relinquish control over our life to God; and realize that nothing can come against us of which He is not aware (Romans 8:31).

Father God, you always use everything for our benefit, even if we reap consequences of our own behavior (Romans 8:28). You constantly allow patience to do her perfecting work in us if we cooperate and focus on Your will in all of our circumstances. Thank You for Your presence in our life and for giving us Your Holy Spirit to guide us through the maze in which we often find our self.

Help us to do Your will each moment of the day, to minister to those You put in our path, and to help only those You direct us to help. We do not want to enable people by indiscriminately doling out money or other resources to someone in whom You are attempting to draw to trust more in You than in people. We live for Your glory, and we thank You for all that You do for us.

Thought for the Day:
Fear of rejection, failure and even success makes us sabotage our own efforts in this life; we limit our usefulness to God's Kingdom when we encourage our low opinion of our self, and fail to step out as God's Spirit directs us into uncharted waters.