Thursday, February 14, 2019

All We Need is Love

Lake and Mountain Under White Sky

As married couples, we are smart to learn one another's Love Language ( ). If we show an ounce of interest and appreciation and cherishing to our mate every day, our effort pays big dividends throughout our marriage.

Kindness and compassion serve as the root of our love for one another. Interest, understanding, gratitude, and unconditional acceptance of who each of us is and what we need all help to prove that love to each other.

Yet, when circumstances break us, people disappoint us, and all of our best laid plans fall apart, Jesus is the only One who knows exactly what we need. He offers us His rest (Matthew 11:28; Hebrews 4:1-16), His love (John 3:16-17) and His provision (Philippians 4:19) every day of our life.

Diamonds, furs, chocolates and cruises are not a girl's best friend. Jesus is. He is our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4); He is all we need (Psalm 16:5-11). We live, move and have our best life in Him (Acts 17:28).

If we take the time to sit in His presence and focus our love and praise on Him, He pours out His love over us like a waterfall, filling us with His peace and joy, and directing us on the straight and narrow path of life to keep us safe and to provide for us.

His love started before we were ever born, intricately forming us in our mother's womb, and writing out all of our days in His book before we even lived one of them (Psalm 139:14-16). He has a perfect plan for our life (Ephesians 2:10).

God made us, and we belong to Him. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 23:1-2, 100:3). All we need to do is to walk in the path He chose for us in order to minimize our trauma and increase our blessings in this life and the next.

We are not His puppet, and He is not our crutch. We have the privilege of enjoying an intimate relationship with the Creator of the universe. In our union with Him, we transition from viewing Him only as Almighty God to also enjoying Him as our Daddy God (Romans 8:15).

Father God, thank You for relating to us as the lover of our soul (Psalm 23:3). Our eternal destiny is decided by our earthly choices (John 3:18), and we choose to accept Your free gift of salvation through Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary's cross (Romans 6:23). You fulfill our need to feel loved, cherished, validated, worthwhile, and to belong. You place us in a family of Believers who share our values and world view.

You will never, ever leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Even when You are silent, we enjoy that companionable silence with You. You love us even while we are still sinners, and You perfect us by Your Spirit's sanctifying work in us (Romans 5:8). We come to You for the love we need, and we thank You for bringing people into our life who validate, appreciate and love us unconditionally.

Thought for the Day:
All we need is love from Jesus, who is our Supreme Being, and who chose to come to earth, to suffer as we do in this sin-cursed world, to pay the ultimate price for our sin-debt, and to prepare an eternal Home for us with Him forever. - John 14:2-3